View Full Version : Restless leg syndrome anyone?

29-09-06, 15:09
Hi I know i posted about this yesterday [8)] but my legs still really ache today.

It is worse when i am still or trying to sleep.

I have googled.....I know bad news....[:I]
but it has come up with the restless leg syndrome...and it descibes the feeling in my legs to a Tee!!!!

Anyone heard of this, any advice.

It is literally doing my head in...almost to the point where i want to scream with the frustartion of it!!!!![V][V]

Hay x

29-09-06, 16:03
As far as I've heard and read RLS is not at all serious... just annoying!

I'd go to a doctor, explain the situation and see what happens.

I really really don't think you have anything at all to worry about.

Oh and I get really achey legs too [Ugh] so I know how you feel!

29-09-06, 17:30
i used to get restless legs when i was pregnant, and my mum suffered with it for years, i think its something that only woman get, im not 100% sure though

not dangerous just bloody irritating!!!

leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

30-09-06, 15:25
the dreaded restless legs!!!!!
I get this very often, but i do find its worse around my period.
I feel as if i cant keep my legs still even when sitting or laying down.
Then comes the horrible ache, but then again our poor legs must be knackered after all that exercise. I find that baths make it worse.
I even took a diazapam one night but it didnt help at all.
If anyone has any tips on controlling this i would love to hear!

love tracie x


30-09-06, 18:02
Hi. I also get restless legs and it's really horrible.

Have you tried massage? I find it helps if my partner massages my legs really deeply, squeezing and releasing and going up the leg (towards the heart). That often helps them feel much better.

30-09-06, 18:03
Hi. I also get restless legs and it's really horrible.

Have you tried massage? I find it helps if my partner massages my legs really deeply, squeezing and releasing and going up the leg (towards the heart). That often helps them feel much better.

02-10-06, 09:03
Thanks Guys for the advise

Hay x

Sheik N Shimmy
02-10-06, 10:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> i think its something that only woman get, im not 100% sure though
<div align="right">Originally posted by leanne1980 - 29 September 2006 : 17:30:33</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Doesn't James Brown have it? [8D]

Keep On Keepin On

02-10-06, 13:26

I have it too - the aching is awful sometimes.

I have found reflexology to be helpful.

Good luck

Jo xx

02-10-06, 13:35
Hi Hay,

I get this too, not so much just lately, touch wood.

I know how horrible it is, what I used to do was have to keep tensing my legs really hard, but this just gave me cramp, so then I would worry about that.

I have'nt got any tips about how to make it stop, but I thought I would reply so you can see that there are a few of us who have this.

Take Care

sara xxx

02-10-06, 13:50
Thanks Guys

Hay x

Granny Primark
02-10-06, 16:02
Fidgety legs i call it.
It must drive my hubby mad when hes trying sleep and i keep moving my legs.
When i was on the community as a carer one of my old ladies told me she got it and she found that by drinking bitter lemon helped. Or she said if you dont like bitter lemon try taking quinine tabs.
I do take a small bottle of bitter lemon bed with me now and i have found that it isnt as bad.
Bye the way she got the advice from a nurse, so perhaps there is some truth in it.

Take care

02-10-06, 16:25
Thanks Lynn
I am shopping tonight so will invest in some x

Hay x

Ma Larkin
02-10-06, 16:25
OMG! Someone has finally posted RLS! My legs twitch all the time and have done ever since I suffered my very first panic attack, so it has to be linked to panic and anxiety. The only way I can describe it, is like when your GP tests your reflexes and your leg jerks out. My legs twitch hundreds of times a day. It used to worry me, but its just annoying now. They don't ache as such, just twitch and sometimes I scare the kids half witless when my legs just do their own thing. Tends to be my left leg more than my right.

Glad I'm not the only twitcher!!


03-10-06, 17:06
Hi Hay,

Wow me to it's so bloody annoying huh!

It's amazing how many of us suffer. When I get really bad I tend to just move around a bit jog up and down or run up the stairs to try and calm it.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X


06-10-06, 13:05

I have this too mainly in my left leg it only happens in the evening. I have to stretch my leg or walk round. I don't have it though when i go to bed which is a good thing.

My mom had it for years sometimes she would cry with it because she had it every day. It started at the top of her legs. Now she can hardly walk and she is sure that this is what has caused it.

linda x