View Full Version : Help, convinced something's up, had a relapse.

22-05-13, 20:54
So I had a massive bout of anxiety over a month ago, panic attacks, no sleep for six days, the docs gave me hydroxine 10mg but didnt take them for long they didnt do anything. however I was convinced I had something seriously wrong with me. From brain tumor, to heart problems, I had an ECG done all fine, my bloods all fine, bp/temp fine. I recently underwent a minor op and I'm all recovered from that also.
I was diagnosed with GAD and I am awaiting my first CBT session, however, I'm convinced something's up again.
Before, my eyes were playing up, had headache, stiffish neck, lack of focus, irritable, no sleep but i had no sickness or nuasea or weakness. I was terrible. I had two eyetests came back fine, bar the second one found I had blepheristis, but generally i was at the doctors/walk in every other day.

Anywho, I had been feeling good for say 3-4 weeks, then Monday I started a new job, and today I had came on my period, however since Monday I've had a pressure in my head, and an occasional tightness mainly on the left side and the pain is mainly in my forehead, I was freakingout today as my pupils had dialated slightly and not sure if they were normal and I was just over thinking, there back to normal now but I was satin the loos taking pictures of my eyes wondering if My eyes looked odd, the flash made me have this heart shaped white blob for a while after, even when I closed my eyes it was still there, again disapearing shortly after. I've been yawning all day and had very mild nausea on and off during the day, coming and going, I've ate as normal, drank as normal, in fact drinking more but I'm just freaking out convinced I've got a brain tumour.

I've not had any neuro tests bar eye tests done, I'm trying as I say to reason this out, I've had new glasses which I'm wearing on and off but it's only started happening over the last few days, I also had a broken sleep last night because i didn't have my alarm on and was convinced I'd oversleep and be late for work. I also got into a state of panic on the way to work as recently had a letter for my first smear and randomly started thinking what if it came back abnormal and started thinking about Jade Goody.

Could this be something to do with my brain? I read about BT headaches being mild, and sometimes they present no symptoms, but when I was at the hospital a few weeks back and I mentioned it he told me "trust me you would not be walking or talking as you are if there was something wrong with your brain"
On lunch I walked on the bike lane path to see if I was walking in a straight line, I cover each eye to see if there is any blur in either eye, my ear is ringing slightly, so again causes me to panic, I move my neck up down left right to ensure its working right, it's so disappointing as I was doing so well.

22-05-13, 21:24
Hi there
I've noticed you have posted more than once tonite and you are obviously distressed. I do understand what you are going through. Been there and bought the t-shirt.
What I'm going to say you will know already deep down but I hope it helps to see it from someone else. You have had tests for your heart worries which came back clear. You have been diagnosed with GAD and the symptoms of anxiety are pretty much what you are experiencing. I know it's hard to accept that this is the reason you are feeling so bad but look at the triggers. You have started a new job which is bound to be stressful. You were worried about oversleeping. Being tired on top of the stress of starting a new job will make your anxiety worse.
When I first started off down this road many years ago I got fixated on my pupils. I don't know why we do that but you have recently had an eye test. These are very thorough these days and anything out of the ordinary would have been picked up by your optician. And as the doctor at the hospital said, a brain tumour would present far worse symptoms than you have even though I know it feels like it couldn't get any worse for you right now.
You need to make sure you have your smear test. It's quick and easy and the results come back very quickly these days. I'm sure you will have nothing to worry about.
I hope you get your CBT appt through quickly. I am sure you will find it helpful.
Try not to worry.
Sal x

23-05-13, 09:22
Thank you Sal,

Exactly, im trying to reason but i just get anxious. I know ive got a lot of triggers, it just don't help when i get this niggling head pain etc i assume im in some sort of danger with my health.
I slept a little better last night, woke up my pupils were small (normal) and i had a mild ache for a little while which went. I think im going to try wear my glasses more as i noticed when i did wear them most of the days i had 0 headaches, whereas before i was given my new glasses i had same sort of headaches.


23-05-13, 18:37
I understand. Reason goes out the door when those aches and pains come in!
Glad you are feeling a bit more positive today.

23-05-13, 18:40
Gosh what a day, whilst my headache was dull and on and off and I had no nausea, not been as tired but I'm in terrible pain with aches and aims, every time I bend my head I get a painful pull in my left shoulder blade, my neck isn't hurting it's just when I bend my head it pulls. That's set me off again...