View Full Version : Just want to say hi

22-05-13, 21:32

Been having a good read and so far this site has helped me realise what I'm going through at the minute is normal.

I am going through severe anxiety and panic attacks.
My GP has prescribed venlafaxine for ot but I'm reluctant to take it. I have suffered with panic and anxiety for many years usually through stressful times and I've got through it in the past but in struggling this time.

I look forward to getting to know you all better.

22-05-13, 21:51
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

22-05-13, 21:57
Hi Betty

Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear you're going through such a bad time, hope things improve for you

23-05-13, 02:52
Welcome to the site