View Full Version : Period worry bout endometriosis

Charlotte cosier
22-05-13, 23:21
My period has been particularly heavy this month and painful it's normally heavy anyway tho but I worry because my Mum had endometriosis and I wonder if I will get it

25-05-13, 11:23
It's best to go to your docs and they may refer you for a scan. I had it but I had pain all the time, not just my periods. I've just had a laparoscopy to have it removed.
But again don't stress too much if its just one period. My pain was crippling, all the time effecting my mobility I was off work or three months. X

05-06-13, 09:37
Hi Charlotte,

I'd say the same as Shivmarie - pain seems to occur throughout the month rather than just during a period so hopefully it will be just a one off but if you're worried it's worth checking it out with your GP.