29-09-06, 15:37
hi there
I'm not working at the moment, was made redundant which brought on anxiety syndrome. So I'm at home all day and feel like I'm going mad.
Since really bad panic attacks last weekend I'm feeling a bit better now but have various symptoms every day - palpitations on and off all day,
chest tightness, dizziness etc.
when I was working full time I used to dream about days like this -
house to myself, nothing to do but potter about, take the dog for a walk etc - bliss.
But now feeling like I do - feel like a zombie. I can't concentrate on any task, can't even read a book as don't retain any information.
I have 3 job applications I really must do - but after completing my name and address I lose the plot and can't focus.
Also my memory is so poor that I can't even remember if I have just been to the loo!!!!!!

How long will this go on for - am I heading for depression - HELP

29-09-06, 16:45
I've noticed this A LOT lately myself. I cannot remember a single thing at the moment. I was watching "Home and away" the other day (something i've watched for many years) and i sat there thinking "What the hell is his name, whats her name?". I struggled until i gave up and asked my husband!
Little things in general i cannot remember and to be honest its scaring me somewhat. I CAN remember things from years ago, but 10 minutes, 3 hours, last week - i have NO idea!


29-09-06, 17:00
Hi Lilac
Ive been like this too recently. Yesterday i started to fill in some passport forms but i just couldn't concentrate and my head felt fuzzy i had to stop, annoying as the prices go up for them in a few days.

I forget everything and have reminders on my phone beeping at me all the time, thats when i remember to remind myself![:I][Sigh...]

I know its scary and annoying at times but it is another one of these anxiety symptoms so try not to worry too much.