View Full Version : AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH - Health (heart) Anxiety

23-05-13, 11:49
Sorry for the dramatic Title :scared15:

I had such a good day yesterday. My physical symptoms of left armpit pain, butterflies and chest pain disappeared. Even when I thought about them, I couldn't feel them. My pulse was steady and low all day. I felt happy and got stuff done.

So WHY do I feel twice as bad today. Did my body just need a day off? Is it twice as bad today just to make up for yesterday?

Anyone else found this with Health Anxiety. I worry that my heart is about to pack up today. It's the awful sense of doom that I am struggling with most though.


23-05-13, 13:23
Hi Charlie,

it happens to me too. I think that hypochondria much depends on our imagination, in the sense that if we imagine that we are fine, our body is able to stop the symptoms. When i usually wake up in the morning and feel sad, i usually have a bad day. hope i was clear but just try to look at the bright side of life, look back at all the days you thought your heart was going to fail and it did not! A relationship with God would also do the trick......

23-05-13, 13:57
Thanks Malta.

I try and be positive at the start of every day, but sometimes it just isn't enough. I am not aware that I did anything different yesterday - the symptoms just weren't there, so my anxiety and panic wasn't there.

23-05-13, 14:05
Hi CharlieM

Our anxiety is always there we may thing it is not but it is. We could have clear days but it is still in the back ground.

I have all but over come my Heart HA but take today for instants I have aches and pains around my hart area but because I have learnt to understand what I have been told and what I have learnt from many others on this site nearly everyone gets chest pains with anxiety.

Chest pains and anxiety go hand in hand with each other for most of us.

You are doing ok mate, One of the biggest hurdles we anxiety suffers face in life is talking about how we feel and once we start doing that we are winning the battle.

23-05-13, 15:49
True Ace,

I meant my foreground anxiety (butterflies). My underlying or background anxiety must be ever present or else I wouldn't be suffering from any of this??!!

I think that is what you were referring to anyway.

I am feeling a bit better right now as it happens. Managed to distract myself for a while :)