View Full Version : Advice please x

23-05-13, 14:46

This is all new to me but I have literally had enough of how I am feeling and just want some advice to help me in the right direction. Since October I started to experience dizziness/light headed which made me panic I also had stiff neck and tingling pains in my head, again I panicked as this came from no where. I suffered up until December and was signed off work. However on and off this year I have experienced the dizziness again with panic attacks mainly in my sleep also some in the day. Well I don't no if they are panic attacks but I fall asleep and i wake up with intense chest pains sweating panic and sometimes feel like I don't no where I am. I do not have the head tinglimg anymore but the dizziness is everyday and effects my day to day activities.

Please can someone give me advice! I have had a MRI scan with blood test and all cane back fine.
Please can you tell me if this sounds like anxiety as I'm convinced its not due to no explanation for this to happen

I'm worried this will never go away :( x

23-05-13, 14:55
Hi Nats,

I'll reply as I notice you have posted this twice. I have a couple of questions :

1. You say you have had MRI and bloods. Did you get any sort of diagnosis after these tests from the specialist or your GP? I guess I am asking whether a health professional has told you that it is anxiety!!

2. What job did you do before you were signed off? The reason I ask this, is that you mentioned neck issues. Posture, particularly after a lot of computer work can cause some of the symptoms you mention.

I get some of what you describe and my GP is convinced it is muscular relating to bad posture.

23-05-13, 15:07
Thank you for replying I'm sorry I posted twice I am just all new to this.

My MRI was for the weird tinglimg pains in my head which the results came back all normal and I had blood tests as I kept nearly passing out and co Stanton dizziness. However all came back ok so I have now been referred to cognitive behavioural therapy which starts on Tuesday.

I work in Admon as a service coordinator which is computer based however I have not experienced this since October -December

I just now suffer from these attacks during my sleep and constant dizziness which I guess makes me panic

Thank you once again x