View Full Version : Absolutely useless doctor - wish I hadn't bothered :o(

23-05-13, 15:55
I've been feeling increasingly anxious and wondering if it's the Mirt I'm taking at 45mg/d. As I'm staying at my parents at the moment I decided to book in and see a temporary doctor at their surgery.

I have to say he was worse than useless. I went in and explained I've been increasingly anxious and my GP's prescribed Mirt. He immediately tutted and said oh, you want to get off that. I said I was asking for a second opinion, so he said, what so you can go back to your doctor and tell them about me?! I said, um, no, I just wanted to get your opinion - I've been more anxious on the higher dose and wondered what you thought - my GP tells me to keep on with it, it should be working by now. He said, yes it sounds like it's too much. He then starting going on about meditation, relaxation and yoga, and drinking herbal teas and exercise. I mentioned I have sleep problems and taking zopiclone and he tutted again - saying the same stuff. I then mentioned I'm waiting for CBT and you've guessed it, another tut and then started telling me about a friend of his who does meditation and has helped several holocaust victims to sleep - that's helpful to me how? I was feeling really nervous about going - trembling even, which is unusual for me, so I took mum in with me. I'm glad I did, so she could see how rubbish he was and it wasn't just me. Just before I left I had to specifically ask him how I should reduce my Mirt and he said, yeah just go down to the next dose and see how you go from there and then reduce it again. If I hadn't have asked, I'm sure he wouldn't have told me and potentially left me to come off it completely without gradually reducing it.

So I'm left a bit bewildered and feeling worse than ever. But as mum said, at least it makes my GP look good and helpful!

23-05-13, 16:20
What a strange GP..he didn't seem very helpful at all. He doesn't seem to approve of medication and wants to go for the natural remedies but they don't work for everyone and he should know that. :hugs:

23-05-13, 16:33
Actually we've been talking about him since and he seemed strange when we first went in. He said oh dear I can't find any notes so I had to explain I've signed on temporarily and I'm staying at my parents. He immediately said oh dear what is it relationship gone bad? Abuse? That flustered me I said um no its because I've had problems sleeping and what I assume now were nocturnal panic attacks. I think he was on a different wave length from the word go

23-05-13, 19:02
He sounds very weird (wonder if he is on something -lol). Seriously though, it must of been disappointing and frustrating.

I need to go back to my GP next week and he is on holiday so goodness knows who I will see, hopefully they will be better than your temporary doctor.

Is there a different doctor at the practice you could see?

23-05-13, 19:05
He's probably high on all his meditations and herbal teas! Well I thought I'd reduce down to 30mg and see how that goes and if I'm no better/worse :ohmy: I'll see if I can book with someone else.

24-05-13, 02:12
I find doctors in general have terriable social Skills!

24-05-13, 11:40
hello snoodlester. I have had a few probs with doctor My dayghter said "he is only7 a GP mum" but how to see someone who understands anxiety? it is not easy is it? Do hope you get some positive help from
someone. regards hopey.