View Full Version : Coming off of Citalopram

23-05-13, 16:11
Around September last year I visited my GP as I had been suffering from anxiety, mood swings and very dark thoughts. I was also having night terrors and generally felt very low about my life, prospects and myself.

After a long chat with my GP I was presribed Citalopram, but agreed that I wanted to start of a lower dosage (10mg) which I did.

For the first few days the medication made me feel odd. I know that the manufacturers say there is no instant affect but I felt "spaced out" within 2 hours of my first tablet. However, as the weeks went on I let the Citalopram do its job and started to feel a positive difference and my family did as well.

Some months on and I now feel the best that I ever have - I sleep well (too well sometimes!) and I can't remember the last time anxiety got the better of me.

I am due to go back to see my GP for a review shortly but I'm worried he will take me off of the tablets as I don't want to revert to my "old self".

What will happen (i.e. how will he likely wean me off of it) and what happens if I start to feel bad again....will it take weeks for me to catch up if I go back on to the Citalopram?

Any advice on this would be appreciated. This week I skipped a dose every other day to see how it would affect me and the nightterrors quickly came back.

23-05-13, 20:56
You haven't been on it for very long and it's working. And when you tried reducing the dose, the symptoms returned, so the doctor will see that you're not ready to stop taking them yet. (I'll leave it to thr doctor to tell you off for doing that!) It's unlikely the doctor will want you off them at this stage. Normally they want you to have been well for a considerable time before stopping medication. There is no risk of abuse with citalopram, so there is no reason to pull you off it too early.

I don't think you've got anything to worry about with being taken off them.

23-05-13, 21:15
I agree with Edie that it's best if you stay on them for a bit longer, especially as the symptoms returned when you reduced the dose. I was originally on them for 6 months, then I felt really good and the doctor said I could start weaning off them, so I did. Once I'd been off them completely for 4 weeks, my anxiety returned. :weep: So a couple of weeks ago, I went back on cit for a second time, but it still hasn't fully kicked in yet. I regret coming off them so soon now. A lot of people on here have said it's best to stay on them for at least a year.

24-05-13, 07:18
Thanks for your replies. I know that my little "test" to reduce the dose was naughty but I'm a man and we know best :doh:

For me this drug really has been a wonder drug. I know there are people who don't get on with it but my advice to anyone who is trying any AD is to stick with it - the side effects will subside and you will, eventually, feel better.

24-05-13, 08:01
He wont take you off it if you are not comfortable with it. But when you do come off citalopram you just go half a tablet for a week. But wait and see what your doctor says.

24-05-13, 12:53
If it aint broke... don't fix it....

Coming off Citalopram when I was feeling the best I ever had, ruined my life and has caused me to be bedbound since the start of this year. 5 months.

If it works, stick with it for gods sake! I now can't seem to come back on the drug successfully.

I would give anything to turn back the clock and NOT come off the drug.

24-05-13, 21:39
Have you been putting things in place to deal with the anxiety? Unless you have been, then it is likely that the anxiety and depression will return. I would stay on citalopram for now. Is there anything you don't like about being on it? (e.g. any unwanted side effects)

How are you doing on the escitalopram btw steveo? Would you say you've stabilised yet?

worried 101
09-06-13, 18:18
hey there. I have recently come off citalopram after being on 40 mg for about 2 and a half years. I was weened off in about three months, but i am now going back to the doctor to go back on as found that I just cant cope without them at the moment. I would suggest thta if you are already getting night terrors again I would stay on them as I thought that I was totally ready as felt like a new person when I was on citalopram and also wish I had just not come off it!xxx