View Full Version : swollen inner thigh/groin - lymph node or clot?

23-05-13, 18:55
well after 3 weeks of pain, tingling and stabbing twinges in my left leg, i had another uneventful meet with a gp yesterday.

again, apparently no swelling=no clot?
no matter how excruciating the pain is?

anyway today I've noticed the pain is very bad in my inner thigh at the top.
it's a really deep dull ache.
and what scared me even.more is the fact it actually looks a little swollen now - it seems some fluid has accumulated there and the area is very tender.

now my main fear is that the clot has dislodged and is now in my groin :(

however i must also mention im having pms pains and sometimes when i get my period i can feel these hard sore lumps in my groin and apparently they are lymph nodes.

this pain seems worse though and i cant feel any hard lumps...its right on that big artery/vein that runs towards the groin, that hard kind of artery. i know any mention of nodes sparks cancer fears in some...but i would rather this was a node than a clot! :/

and i also have this cold tingly patch on my calf.

anyway im still on edge, very much.
the pain is baaad. i have never felt anything like this before.

every doctor i go to looks at me like im mad and it seems even a blood test is out of the question!

23-05-13, 19:32
Hi there, sorry you are feeling anxious. I once had swollen lymph nodes in my groin and it was related to an ingrown hair in that area. Our lymph nodes swell due to infection. It could be as simple as a spot.
Keep an eye on it, note any symptoms in your diary and mention to the doc if you are still worried. Never think you are bothering them x x

23-05-13, 21:01
Hi there, sorry you are feeling anxious. I once had swollen lymph nodes in my groin and it was related to an ingrown hair in that area. Our lymph nodes swell due to infection. It could be as simple as a spot.
Keep an eye on it, note any symptoms in your diary and mention to the doc if you are still worried. Never think you are bothering them x x

thank you, the swelling is freaking me out a little
bit and im hoping it will go down once my period starts. if it doesn't then i will mention it to doc and keep that in mind. thank you <3