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23-05-13, 19:34
Sorry for the long post, really need help.

I am currently having a terrible time, have been bedbound for 10 weeks. As a child 14 I had glandular fever and was out of school for 9 months. Now I am 31 and last year in April my 7 year old son passed away and then in June i became suddenly ill, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrheah, fatigued, dizzy, swollen painful glands everywhere, headache, night sweats, waking 3-4 times at night, adrenaline rush feelings in stomach, pains in joints, aching all over, sore throat, swollen tonsills, floaters in eyes, pale fingernails sometime,small red blood dots on arms and chest, thrush on tongue with red spots, sores in mouth, low grade fever, skin hot to touch all the time and sensitive, i was hospitalized for about 1 week in which I had a ct scan which showed enlarged glands in my chest. All blood tests/stool/urine were negative. A lot of digestive issues continued, lots of bloating/foul smelling wind cramp type pain. I went home and started to regain appetite and after 2 months I was able to get out of bed and slowly got back to normal, in the process i had lost 2 stone.

Fast forward to march this year 2013 and it all started again, all the symptoms exactly the same plus conjuctivitis and it has now been going on for nearly 3 months. At the time of me becoming ill again I was going through a stressful time going over details of sons death for coroner. Again I have been in hospital for 2 weeks this time and had numerous tests. A colonoscopy with biopsy was negative, again all bloods/stool/urine were negative, had ana which was negative, blood cultures negative. 24 holter heart monitor all negative. This time I have been very emotional but i think it is because i cannot find what is wrong, whist in hospital they sent psychiatrist to me who suggest that I have post traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety and prescribed anti-depressants, the thing is I believe I am depressed because of being ill. The only thing that showed in my blood was positive IGG ebstein barr virus, i have since phoned the hospital as I have been home for 2 weeks and they say they do not have the titer numbers just that Igg was positive but negative monospot.

I am driving myself insane panicking about if something has been missed although I dont rationally see how, but just so down as I do not really seem to be getting better although the night sweats have gone and adrenaline rushes have gone too.

Do you think that the EBV has reactivated twice since june 2012 due to all the stress I have been under. At the moment I can only just make the toilet as heart rate shoots through the roof, become very hot with rashes coming out and feel nauseous. Have lost almost 3 stone due to not eating at first because of appetite but weight has been pretty much the same since eating. I think I will try the anti-depressants next week but very reluctant

thank you for your help

23-05-13, 21:06
I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles, that's a very difficult thing to go through.

It sounds to me that most of your symptoms apart from the conjunctivitis infection are in fact anxiety. If you look at the symptoms link on the left, you will see a lot of similarities. When you are depressed and anxious, it does make you physically ill like that and the problem is that you are tensely searching for the answer and not finding anything, so you are keeping yourself stressed. I believe that you need to rebuild confidence in yourself and these things will go. It would help you to get on to some counsilling or therapy, and the medication will help too if you want to take it.
The way you have listed your symptoms and have examined yourself suggests you have health anxiety, and the negetivity of your tests points this way too.
I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: