View Full Version : Feel like I'm suffocating/can't breathe

23-05-13, 20:08
For the past couple of months I keep getting this terrible feeling like I can't breathe properly. It can last for days at a time and then suddenly disappear only to return again.

I've looked into hyperventilating but it always says than it causes your pulse rate to increase. I get the cant breathe feeling but my pulse rate doesn't increase, does this mean I'm not hyperventilating and it could be something worse?

I'm so fed up of feeling like this, it is such a horrible feeling and I don't know how to get rid of it.

23-05-13, 20:17
I used to get this a lot and still do sometimes and correct abdominal breathing does help it somewhat.

23-05-13, 20:20
Thank you. I think I am getting myself in a worse state as my pulse rate isn't increasing which is what I thought it would do it I was hyperventilating.

23-05-13, 21:00
I suffer from this regularly , the breathing techniques that Nicola mentioned are a great help to me, it took some practice for me to be able to do it as I usually breathe shallowly but am getting there and it does work.

23-05-13, 21:10
Thank you. I do try to breathe from my stomach but I don't think I try hard enough. I will try and focus more on it and hope it helps.
Well done for making your breathing a bit better.

29-05-13, 21:26
It may be that you're chronically hyperventilating which won't raise your pulse rate that much if at all. Acute hyperventilation is the full blown panic, gasping for air, tingling hands kind of thing but when it's chronic it's much more subtle. You feel like you have to take big breaths & can feel claustrophobic & uncomfortable but if you learn to breathe from your lower abdomen as others have suggested & also try breathing in through your mouth & then breathe out more slowly through your mouth, this can help too. Do it to a ratio of 7:11 but if that's too long - as it is for me - I do 3 seconds in 5-7 seconds out with a 2 second space between the out breath & the next in breath. Distraction always helps me too.
Hope this helps.
Seffie x

29-05-13, 22:16
Thanks for your reply, I have been trying to breathe from my abdomen more and it does help. I've also started to try and stop the panic thoughts and feelings I get when I start to feel my breathing feeling bad, when I can limit the amount of exaggerated thoughts I get it helps lots eg. Trying not to think 'omg I can't breathe again, I'm going to feel terrible all day, maybe it is something serious this time etc.

12-06-13, 09:51
I get this and exercise really does help too as well as the breathing softly like your filling your stomach as others have said.
I have the same as you where my pulse rate doesn't race. Don't try to not think about worrying thoughts just think 'I know what it is and I'm fine'. You'll find over time when the thoughts come up they'll bother you far less:)

25-02-15, 08:41
For the past couple of months I keep getting this terrible feeling like I can't breathe properly. It can last for days at a time and then suddenly disappear only to return again.

I've looked into hyperventilating but it always says than it causes your pulse rate to increase. I get the cant breathe feeling but my pulse rate doesn't increase, does this mean I'm not hyperventilating and it could be something worse?

I'm so fed up of feeling like this, it is such a horrible feeling and I don't know how to get rid of it.


No known diagnosis or cause yet. Possibly thyroid...
Take 2 Bayer low dose (blue) Asprins at bedtime. Works for me to alleviate those symptoms 95% of the nights.

Not a cure. Just helps.

25-02-15, 21:05
Pretty certain just about everyone with anxiety has experienced this.

I always thought it was funny that I would never feel it during periods of no anxiety or stress. :winks: