View Full Version : Cant cope to watching the news.

Granny Primark
23-05-13, 20:23
Im so gutted. So much grief is caused cus of the excuse of religion. Its an excuse for so much hurt in this world.
It causes wars.
The faimily of that young lad must be going thru hell.
Im more saddened everyday that people who believe in a God and supposed to care can be so evil.
So glad the perpetrators didnt die so that they can be made to suffer in prison for the rest of their lives. I hope that every prisoner gives them hell. Cus thats what that young mans family is going have to go thru for the rest of their lives.

23-05-13, 20:51
What has happened in Woolwich is awful and extremely shocking. I think most Muslims would be horrified by it. I can't imagine how awful this must be for the young man's family. I'm also glad the perpetrators have lived to face the consequences of their actions.

23-05-13, 21:22
Yes it is shocking and very sad. :weep: I did find it disturbing to see those images on the news, especially as I'm only just recovering from an anxiety relapse. I had to look away at times. It must be awful for the man's family. I don't like extremism in any religion. I think the majority of religious people are fine, it's the extremists who give religion a bad name.

23-05-13, 21:55
I have avoided watching the news as I didn't want to see this. It was very shocking. The trouble is that no one probably knows why he did it, if indeed he does. Just a very confused person I suppose. Fortunately a very rare and unusual occurrence too. It just this business afterwards where people try to find a reason and then stir up troubles that don't need making any worse,
I think the best thing most often is to avoid the news. I don't watch much of it for just this reason. It's about time they out up some good news.
Perhaps we should have a good news thread????????

23-05-13, 23:32
I agree with All the sentiments expressed here. I have had an "Epiphany" on WHAT my remote control is for!! ...Yes I turned OFF my T.V.
I have to admit I felt Much better for it. I think this tragedy in Woolwich was Evil.
But I am Learning ..no re-learning to filter what I watch and listen to when I feel vulnerable or overwhelmed.
For all those struggling ...:bighug1:

24-05-13, 00:17
I understand exactly what you're saying Granny :)

I've been avoiding watching any TV because I just can't cope with anything that could be stressful or upsetting.

Last night I made a big mistake when I decided to watch a bit about the tragedy in Woolwich. It was awful and I just really couldn't handle it.

Too much tragedy in the World right now and I'm busy doing all I can to avoid it like the plaque :weep:

24-05-13, 08:12
I have found this weeks news very upsetting. One of my problems is that I can't disassociate myself from things in the news..like I sort of feel n attachment to them. Stepping into the shoes of the mother of that poor boy like he is my own. I don't know if I am making sense here? It really breaks my heart thinking about what his family are going through :(

24-05-13, 08:24
I feel the same over the news. It is so upsetting.
Such tragedy going on all over the world too.
I think I will have to turn the news off in future.
Hugs for all.

Good idea Tessar.

24-05-13, 08:44
I was just thinking how easy it is for us to AVOID the things we would probably enjoy (like a holiday) but find it hard to avoid something that makes us feel worse (like switching the TV off) :)

24-05-13, 10:01
The main reason why I don't watch the news is because it breeds fear and I refuse to be victim to that, I refuse to let the negativity get a hold of me. Pick up that remote and switch it off...it is a little bit silly to reinforce anxiety, etc by continuing to watch things like the news.

Also, I think it's important to remember that these people were extremists and have no reflection on the upstanding, respectful citizens who come from all sorts of different religious backgrounds.

Lets keep sensible, thoughtful and send our thoughts and prayers to the family who are directly effected by this horrible, shocking event.

24-05-13, 10:13
I really didn't want to watch it but some idiot at work told me there is a conspiracy that the government did this, not the Islamic extremists. I watched it just to prove that the conspiracy idea is ridiculous.

24-05-13, 20:00
I was just thinking how easy it is for us to AVOID the things we would probably enjoy (like a holiday) but find it hard to avoid something that makes us feel worse (like switching the TV off) :)

That is a fascinating point Annie. I often feel complelled to look at horrible things, and yet the nice things can seem just as bad.

It's a good idea to put things in perspective, something the news doesn't do. This is a very rare thing and we are lucky it doesn't happen more often. Hopefully thes extremist ideas will kill themselves off.

24-05-13, 20:28
I really didn't want to watch it but some idiot at work told me there is a conspiracy that the government did this, not the Islamic extremists. I watched it just to prove that the conspiracy idea is ridiculous.

Whenever there is a terror attack or shooting, there are always conspiracy theories like that. In some ways, I find conspiracy theories interesting, but other times they can be very far-fetched.