View Full Version : Is this brain zaps?

23-05-13, 20:59
So I took my medication a bit late today, and i feel weird sensations in my head. Is this what we call brain zaps? It feels strange to say the least.

26-05-13, 20:52
Everybody's zaps are different, it seems. Mine were like little micro blackouts, and feeling like my head was separate from the rest of the body for a split second. It was bizarre but ultimately not harmful or painful, just freaked me out because I didn't know to expect them at the time and so I thought I was having brain damage or epilepsy or something. I didn't even realize they were coming from the prozac, which I had just come off. Yeah... some docs really suck when it comes to warning us about what to expect!

Anyway, during that period, I had a zap a week or so for a few months. Worst was while driving or just walking, but no harm came. Haven't had anything since.

12-08-13, 18:56
Im so glad I found this. Ive been having exactly these split seconds blackouts several times a day and I thought im going crazy. Im trying to lower escitalopram dosage and that must be the reason....

23-04-14, 23:50
I call them jolts, horrible aren't they, feel like you head is moving in stages. I have had an experience of horrendous full body jolts when I missed a few doses. I hear you need to be monitored if you ever need yo come off them.

24-04-14, 01:37
When I stopped Paxil I had the head zaps too, weird but they went away.