View Full Version : Brain fog!

24-05-13, 10:41
I've pretty much had my HA under control for around 8 months now but this week I've suffered from the worst bout of brain fog I've ever had :ohmy:! It started earlier this week when I started making stupid mistakes at work and now I can't concentrate or focus on anything. When I try, my mind is a complete blank. I can't seem to register anything!! It's quite a scary feeling because it feels like my mind has been wiped and I've forgotton how to do even the simplest of tasks. The more I try to concentrate the worse it gets. My head feels really fuzzy and it really is a case of the lights being on but nobody being at home! Does anyone else get this? xx

24-05-13, 11:16
Yes I do...honestly I think I am going insane sometimes. Mostly when I have a lot to think about at the same time and then I just can't think straight or do anything right. I even forget how to spell things and I teach Literacy!

24-05-13, 12:03
Insane! That's exactly how I feel Annie :wacko:. Even when I'm typing I'm having to concentrate on every key I'm tapping! I've had a tension headache for a couple of days now and it isn't helping. My head is just so...... swirly! xx

24-05-13, 13:47
Hi meche. A few weeks ago I went through what your going through, and it does pass.i had a five yearly assessment up and coming , which made me even more anxious , but worst thing is you get things sticking in your mind , and reading almost impossible . This went on for weeks , and the more concerned you get the worst it gets.
Although I'm no student , students suffer a lot with this , in Claire weekes books she describes it as your head being full of cotton wool .

24-05-13, 14:02
Thanks Ronno. I had a brief episode of it last year when I was really anxious but it wasn't this bad. Strangely, I'm not anxious about anything but I'm starting to feel very unsettled by it. It's such a horrible feeling. I don't quite know what to do with myself. xx

24-05-13, 15:24
i get the exact same
i freak out that much i go over things in my head that i shouldnt forget such as my name is robyn i am....so and so years old etc its crazy!

its worse when im alone

24-05-13, 15:59
I've been doing that all week but forced myself to stop because the more info I was trying to recollect the harder it seemed to get. I'm not worried about dementia or tumours (been there, done that :wacko:) - I just hate the way this makes me feel. I don't feel in control of my own mind. I want to be able to get on with things but my thought process is up s**t creek! xx

25-05-13, 01:21
I do get brain fog sometimes - it freaks me out. When it happens, I feel like I struggle and try to think what I was going to do next or what to say next. The body vibrations doesn't help very much!!

Starry x