View Full Version : WIFI

24-05-13, 11:06
I recently read an article about the possible dangers of WIFI and how the radio waves used for WIFI can be potentially harmful. I am now freaking out about this slightly as I have it on in my house all the time and sleep with my ipod on that has WIFI too...
Anyone read or know anything that might reassure me??


24-05-13, 12:39
I have not heard anything about this. We have WIFI for the Internet on all the time.

I don't own a Ipod, mobile etc which have WIFI settings.

I am not going to Google because that would sent me crazy just like my major fear of cancer and disease.

24-05-13, 12:53
I think there's probably not a week goes by without some electric gadget stated as being dangerous to us somehow.

Let's face it, there's loads of radio waves about everywhere day and night and progress dictates that they are here to stay.

I believe that when you look at the state of the world today (or rather the behaviour of the people in it) there could be some justification in certain articles we read and hear of regarding a detremental effect on our lives in some shape or form.

However, I think that for the moment, in our lifetime, we have not too much to worry about.

Come back in another hundred years or more and we may have a serious threat.

24-05-13, 14:41
Not unless you include walking under a bus while checking your Google notifications, like I almost did last week! :D
Seriously, I looked it up and there were several articles about how reliable scientific research has found no evidence that mobiles, WIFI etc damage people's health. There are apparently a few people who are sensitive to electrical items but even that isn't dangerous and may even be psychological.
(You might not want to Google it though, as there are also sites saying it does, but they are random peoples' conspiracy blogs by the look of it, you know, the same sort of thing that made me seriously consider moving to Switzerland to avoid the civil war in the EU or worse last year! :blink:)

---------- Post added at 14:41 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ----------

I think there's probably not a week goes by without some electric gadget stated as being dangerous to us somehow.

Let's face it, there's loads of radio waves about everywhere day and night and progress dictates that they are here to stay.

I believe that when you look at the state of the world today (or rather the behaviour of the people in it) there could be some justification in certain articles we read and hear of regarding a detremental effect on our lives in some shape or form.

However, I think that for the moment, in our lifetime, we have not too much to worry about.

Come back in another hundred years or more and we may have a serious threat.

I don't think we need to worry about that at all. The same and worse things went on 200 years ago, we just didn't have 24-hour media to report it. Now there's a real danger of the Internet - people thinking the world is getting worse when it's really the same as always, if not better! :)