View Full Version : Been to counselling - physically still feel poo

29-09-06, 20:29
I’ve just finished my latest session of counselling and really feel like I’m making progress. My counsellor is great and she is being ever so supportive. She has outlined how much of a turbulent 18 months I’ve had and how I have not really acknowledged the fact that I’ve pretty much shambled from one crisis to another. She even listened to me go on about my health anxiety.

She said, after I had emptied 50 minutes worth of psychological baggage, that most of my feelings and emotions, seemed to her, to be normal for someone who had been through what I (and my family) have experienced.

But, I feel drained. Mentally and physically. For about three weeks, I’ve felt tired, achey, and generally run down. My counsellor said that it is more than likely my physical reaction to the grief of losing Dad in June, something I still feel I’m dealing with. I guess four months aint so long when it comes to grieving a parent…….

But I’m trying to stay positive and not let these latest symptoms get me down. I’ve just finished my first week at University and although I have loved every minute of it, I feel (or should say hope) that these symptoms could also be a manifestation of the stress of starting full time education after stepping away from a permanent full time job???

My head feels a bit wooley and my neck and the back of my head, ache from time to time. Could this be just stress from my current situ and finally coming face stuff through my counselling??

Any thoughts would be really welcome.


I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

29-09-06, 20:42
Hi there, well, i truly believe you have done absolutely fantastically well..you and your family have been through so much, you have managed your first week at uni, of course you will feel all of these awful symptoms, it is a normal grieving process, there is no time limit, it is good that your counsellor let you spill it all out, that's what they are for, try to spoil yourself, yes, you will be tired, achey, sad, that is so normal , take one day at a time, your post sounded very positive after all you have been through, keep at it, take it slowly. I lost my dad 4 years ago, and although the tears are not so frequent, not a day goes by without me thinking of him, i am not a religious person, but i believe they look down on us from somewhere and your dad will be very proud of you!!!! xxjean

30-09-06, 10:12
Thankyou. Its really good to know that I'm not doing as bad as I think I am.

I truly think that the sessions have helped, but I just feel so drained. The dizzines is still there but seems to have eased off a bit of late. Still feel a bit shakey more often than not but to be honest, I'm sick of trying to second guess wether or not the symptoms are stress/anxiety related or not.

Well, here's to a peaceful weekend.

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.