View Full Version : Body Vibrations and Tinnitus

24-05-13, 15:02
Hello everybody,

I haven't been on this forum for a long time but a month ago, I started shaking after I woke up.... before that I felt the floor vibrating, and then it built up to my legs...then my upper body... I got tinnitus first before I got the strong body vibrations. I didn't feel panic or anxiety. I feel calm but now I am starting to feel anxious because of the vibrations. It feels like a car engine mostly in my back, near my chest and heart. I sometimes have heart palpations and pressure headaches. I have brain fog as well. I am becoming scared because I have looked up on the internet, lots of people has got the body vibrations. I don't think it is spiritual, I think it is something more - am becoming paranoid as well. My vibrations has become less now - I hope it will stay that way!

My mum and sister thinks it is panic attacks or anxiety - found out my granddad had them as well.... It started last year when I was looking at conspiracy theories and alien stuff. I have stopped doing all that and things seem to have improved. Weird.


24-05-13, 15:21
I currently have this vibration going on everyday for the last 5 weeks or so! Sometimes it's not there but then it creeps in and stays with me for hours. If I move about I don't notice it, but if I keep my body still then I feel the vibrations/twitching, mine is mainly in my chest back and arms and I also getting the fluttering in my chest like palpitations. I try and do relaxation but can't because when I'm still I feel the vibrations which then starts off the anxiety!

24-05-13, 15:56
I usually find that I get body vibrations when I'm in-between sleeping and being awake - one of the strangest feelings I've ever had!

25-05-13, 00:46
Yes I get the flutters below my heart, my arms vibrate too. I did get the vibrations as well when I am in between sleeping, sometimes I can't sleep because of the vibrations. I want to go back to normal, am fed up with the buzzing as well. I don't want to get like this all of my life. It is worrying me. I saw some people has gone through this for rest of their lives too.... I miss being normal. I don't think it is a spiritual awakening - I think it is something sinister.... as I noticed that more and more people of all ages has got the vibrations as well. Doctors can't help them because they don't know what it is.

Starry xx

26-05-13, 02:19
I am now worrying about my vibrations. I was in the toilet...I felt strong buzzing on the floor and I could feel the vibrations on the bath as well. It freaked me out and Mum told me that she heard a bang and the windows vibrated too - about the same time. It is making me upset and worrying... Sometimes my bed vibrates at night. It is making me feel like crying tonight and I want it to stop!!!

I tried explaining to Mum what my vibrations feel like and she doesn't understand as she doesn't feel them. I made her feel the vibrations on my back but she can't feel it. We had a row as I feel she doesn't believe me and thinks I am mad. I can feel the vibrations and it is very real to me!

Anyone has the same experiences? I find it all very strange!!!

Starry x

30-05-13, 17:15
I had a spell with these body vibrations that kept me from getting adequate sleep at night, generally they tend to occur when i am in a high state of anxiety or worry, and they occur when I'm in-between sleeping and being awake as wolfie described. Best way to get these to stop is;

1. Exercise early in the morning when you wake up, go for a jog do some pushups sit ups & stretching to relax those muscle. Main reason why all this occurs is too much adrenaline build up through out the day. As your body is constantly battling of the anxiety so first thing to suffer are the muscles. All you need to do is find a way to release that excess energy and you will be on your way to recovery and managing your anxiety the right way.

And you will notice as soon as you start to sleep better these vibrations will go away along side numerous other symptoms that you are going through. Exercise is also a natural anti depressant that works much better than any drug out there.

You will find it difficult at first as majority of people who suffer from anxiety tend to spend to much time worrying rather than looking for solutions on how to fix this.

What ever you do don't give up once you start you will feel extremely tired from especially if you just starting out. Your muscles will ache your body will feel stiff at first but these are signs that the exercise is actually working so no need to worry about it. They will subside once you get into the routine. And trust me 8 weeks after working out every day i felt like a new person, and so will you. There was time when i initially started working out where i said to my self well sod this, every muscle in my body is hurting my, my heart is beating way to fast for this, i am going to have an heart attack, etc, etc .. But all i did is pretty much shake these thoughts of and kept grinding, i promised my self that i will not let my body control me and i succeeded. The more time i focused on the work out i started to notice the less time i spent worrying about useless things and just found my self laughing at my self.

There are great exercises out there for beginners youtube and follow the instructions.

If you rather use jogging as a way to vent out and you are just about to start. Here are a few tips for you.

First of all if you going to eat do so an hour before your jog, try to avoid sugary food, go for protein or carbs. If you are worried about your figure (Ladies) start of with a yogurt.

Second thing is gear up for running buy a comfortable pair or runners. And some light clothes as you are going to work up a sweat.

Right before you get to jogging. Spend about 10 minutes stretching make sure you stretch them muscles correctly to avoid injuries.

Walk for about 5 minutes after than. Than start with your jog. You should time your jog's especially if your a beginner, i started of with 1 minute jogs and 5 minutes walk than back to 1 minute jog and so on, i did that routine 10 times per session for about 4 weeks. Than i started to increase my jogging time to 2 minutes and walking time to 3 minutes. For another 4 Weeks, if i felt comfortable and confident that my body can take more i'd run for 5 mintes and walk for 2.

Within 12 weeks i was able to run 2 miles without stopping, which was a great goal for me especially seeing that i was inactive for about 7 years no exercise and nothing.

8 months down the line i completed a 10 miles marathon which i was happy about and all this with the lungs of a smoker.


Good luck hope this little info helps someone out there as it sure did help me a great deal.

30-05-13, 17:38
I have it in my feet!!! Sooooo annoying!! I wish it would go away I e never had it when anxious b4!! :(

30-05-13, 19:35
Oh my mum told me that I should ignore the vibrations and do something, she wants me to do exercise. I can't do jogging as I am disabled myself, but thank you for your advice! It is very helpful. I never do exercise a lot so... maybe that is why. I don't feel anxious when the vibrations start, and last night my heart beat so fast and it beat all day long and my ears ringing a lot too. My 3 main symtoms are heart palpitations, tinnitus, and buzzing body vibrations. It is very scary. I don't think it is anxiety at all. I don't feel anxious when they start, and I am usually relaxed. I miss the times when I can sleep. I sleep well sometimes, but sometimes I can't. I saw lots of people have it at the moment, some people has it for a long time - saw some people have it for 20 years. I am worried that I might have this for life. I am going to have my ears syringed soon and hopefully that will help to less down the ringing.

Starry xx

31-05-13, 10:00
Oh my mum told me that I should ignore the vibrations and do something, she wants me to do exercise. I can't do jogging as I am disabled myself, but thank you for your advice! It is very helpful. I never do exercise a lot so... maybe that is why. I don't feel anxious when the vibrations start, and last night my heart beat so fast and it beat all day long and my ears ringing a lot too. My 3 main symtoms are heart palpitations, tinnitus, and buzzing body vibrations. It is very scary. I don't think it is anxiety at all. I don't feel anxious when they start, and I am usually relaxed. I miss the times when I can sleep. I sleep well sometimes, but sometimes I can't. I saw lots of people have it at the moment, some people has it for a long time - saw some people have it for 20 years. I am worried that I might have this for life. I am going to have my ears syringed soon and hopefully that will help to less down the ringing.

Starry xx

Trust me Starry, it's all Anxiety if you look around the forums 100's of people have the same symptoms, you just got to tell your self that and believe it. The sooner your do that the better you will feel.

There are several exercises you can do to improve your overall well being without jogging.

Good luck :)

08-06-13, 13:45
Went to the health centre yesterday - it wasn't very good. Saw the nurse... to look in my ears for hard wax... she looked in my ears, she said completely clear - I had ear drops for 7 days to clear hard wax, but it is now gone.... weird. But the nurse suggested to take Sudafed to clear my sinuses, she thinks it is sinusitis, so I am not sure if I should take this tablet? I took one just now...

I still have heart palps and buzzing feelings, body vibrations but getting less now. I hope it stays that way! But could this be caused by B12? But I feel that the vibrations are coming from the floor???

Starry xx

09-06-13, 19:05
Had bad heart palps last night. It was when I was trying to sleep and the heartbeats came from my back and was beating so hard and it woke me up three times, time went fast, I got up at 5am, and went to the toilet and came back to bed, went to sleep!

I got anxious last night when I felt the hard beats as I thought I was about to die! I saw the insides of my eyes while my heart beat was beating... it didn't feel like my heart at all. Hope this makes sense? Something weird is going on......

Starry x