View Full Version : My lovely GP

24-05-13, 15:11
Just been talking to my GP on the phone about my Sertraline issues. It's 6 weeks now and having got through every SE you can imagine, I'm left with diarrhoea, and heartburn and I'm fed up, particularly as my anxiety has only improved a tiny bit.

Anyway, as I'm a biochemist, I've read a lot of clinical papers about tolerability, which we talked about. I've asked her for a brilliant anxiety med, that I can tolerate easily and will make me feel better.......

She said she accepts my challenge, will do some research over the weekend and have the answer when I see her on Tuesday.

I have great faith in her, she is very caring and smart so I'm looking forward to this!

I hope it doesn't involve brain surgery!

24-05-13, 16:36
WOW, I want your GP, mine wouldn't take up a challenge like that.

It will be interesting to hear what she comes up with, I look forward to you sharing her reply with us on Tuesday. I'd even accept brain surgery if the odds were good for it working!

24-05-13, 16:55
horace i think thats fantastic having such an understanding gpis half the battle i will be interested to see what she comes up with

i hope its not brain surgery either lol xxx

24-05-13, 19:18
Hi Horace

Your doctor is amazing, you are lucky to have one who cares that much.

Let us know what she comes up with.

24-05-13, 20:28
Yes, I will keep you posted....even if it is just citalopram :scared15:

28-05-13, 18:10
Well here is the update as promised. We had a long chat and she thought it was time to pull the plug on Sertraline. It's been causing me stomach troubles etc.

Anyway, she gave me the choice of Cipralex ( which she's going to get told off for) or Venlafaxine. Trouble is that its trial and error with these things as everyone knows, but I've chosen the Cipralex to start with which I hope will be kinder to my stomach!

I am kind of assuming that swapping to another ssri will be easier than swapping to an snri?

Anyway at least I've got some choices now Andi know Cipralex is a good option for anxiety.

28-05-13, 18:55
Both good choices, I'd say - she's obviously done her homework!

She sounds like a great GP.


28-05-13, 19:04
Keep us updated on your new meds and how it goes.....

28-05-13, 19:06
A good GP makes all the difference!! I hope she will find you something!