View Full Version : Ears.

24-05-13, 17:19
My right ear keeps feeling muffled and when i blow my nose or swallow my right ear pops and makes crackling noises. Anyone had this?

24-05-13, 17:37
I've had a clicking noise every time I swallow for over 10 years! I also have this weird ear pressure when I lay down too fast :/ so weird!

24-05-13, 17:51
Sounds like you may need your ears syringing

24-05-13, 18:03
I have been getting weird head symptoms too. I keep going dizzy when i lay down or get up and sometimes i have pressure and pains in my head when i lay down too. I am having a brain mri next thursday after having a ct scan that showed 3 shadows.

24-05-13, 18:21
Hi zippy, I've had this clicking feeling also. When I eat and when I walk sometimes, it's very strange, had it for years. I'm sort of panicking now though after reading your comment about the ct/MRI

24-05-13, 19:06
I wouldn't worry shivmarie, i have more than clicking and if you have had this for years i definitely wouldn't worry. I have dizziness and headaches etc.

24-05-13, 19:08
I see, I hope your alright though and all goes well with the MRI. Yeah I had it for a while but obviously with my HA flaring up I'm noticing it more than I probably would of done, I do have headaches, tension type. No dizziness. I've never had dizziness one of the many symptoms I don't have!

25-05-13, 01:06
My ears are full and slightly pressured. My mum found hard wax inside my ears. So I've got ear drops to help to relieve the pressure, and I get tinnitus as well.... and getting body vibrations as well... great!! If wax is still there, will have to go to doctors to get them syringed.

Starry x