View Full Version : Please help me considering suicide

24-05-13, 18:00
I give up!!! I hate God! He took away my baby when I had a still birth and now my 15 year old has a lump above his ankle and the doctors are not taking it seriously. One tells me its not cancer cause they would see that on an x ray and the other doctor tells me that no they cant see if it would be cancer on an x ray. it Says it could be a subtle leasion or an old injury. I looked up leasion and it says it means cancer. I don't want to have my 15 year old have cancer. Hes still active, it causes him no pain but it looks like it is getting bigger. I cant handle this anymore I cant do it. I can not lose another child! I am at the end of my rope, my breaking point. I don't want to live with worry and pain anymore as I can not do it. I have decided its the end for me and in my heart I feel somewhat of a relief.

24-05-13, 18:08
I think you should really find someone to talk to (a hotline even). That is very important!

I am sure your son is ok. The Dr's know what to look for, and I do not think a lesion of the ankle is the same as a lesion of the lungs or liver (for example). And even those lesions are ok most of the time. It is prob an injury or something.

But coming from someone who's mom passed away, I can tell you that I do know for sure that your son needs you. It would devistate him if something happened to you. And the people around you need you. And we even need you. So please don't do anything! And talk to someone

24-05-13, 18:51

Why would you want to kill yourself and leave your child with no mother????

Doctor's know what they are looking at but if you are not happy then get another opinion.

It really isn't worth killing yourself over though is it?

24-05-13, 18:57
Your children would be dealing with alot more if you did something silly.

Please be patient and try to understand they know what they're doing, like Nicola said get another opinion.


24-05-13, 19:02
A lesion on an ankle does NOT mean cancer..it is more likely to mean a tear in the cartilage which can be put right.

24-05-13, 20:25
Lisa, I'm sorry this has scared you so much, but at the moment you really do not know that this is cancer. Find out what you are dealing with before making any decisions. If your son does have cancer (which sounds unlikely), he's going to need you.

Please talk to someone if you are in danger right now. You need to stick around.