View Full Version : Arm Pain, Assurance about Health Anxiety

25-05-13, 11:10

Me again!!! So, another terrible week comes to an end. I really have no idea how I am still here tbh. I have expected to have had a heart attack all week. My left arm is just getting worse. The pain is constant except for very short periods (usually when i've has a couple of beers). Traditional pain killers do absolutely nothing, yet beer does help!

I really don't want to use alcohol though as a means of getting through every day. I am doing the CBT4Panic. This has helped my panic attacks. I am just left with an underlying anxious feeling, but this rarely develops into full blown panic anymore.

But, what can I do about this pain in my left arm. It is ruining my life. I can't afford a chiropractor. I self massage my neck and armpit, which sometimes help. My heart races a lot when the pain is at its worst. Does anyone else have an suggestions that I may not have considered?

Hope everyone is doing better today :)

25-05-13, 12:40
Yes I have loads but I am sure you will not listen LOL, firstly if it was your heart you would probably be dead by now, if it eases even slightly with massage then you have probably pulled something in your neck, shoulder, back or even in your chest, the body is so full of muscles that we hurt our selves all the time and don't realize it, you could have done something weeks ago and not noticed at the time, start stretching your arm, does this cause you more pain or less.

25-05-13, 15:08
Jamangie, thanks for reply.

I pretty much know it isn't my heart, but the pain is real. Yes, I can relieve it slightly with certain stretches and by re-positioning myself.

As I have tried acupuncture, pain killers and self massage, I don't know what I should try next. That is what I was asking. As a chiropractor is out of my financial range, I wondered if anyone else on here had experience similar issues and had resolved it by another means.