View Full Version : anti depressants

25-05-13, 12:15
Just wondered what peoples views were on these and whether they help.

I've been on and off fluoxetine over the years and to be honest they just weren't working, so I came off them and my doctor wants me to try setraline but I've read a few stories about anti depressants causing certain things which has obviously worried me more so I'm now not taking anything.

The thing is my mood is so low my HA is really high and I just don't know what to do for the best, I'm in two minds about whether to start the new tablets or not.

Just wondered how other people with HA cope and are there any other meds apart from SSRI's that can help with anxiety?


25-05-13, 13:17

I would say if you have explored all avenues and feel like medication could work for you then try it. Just because one didn't work doesn't mean others wont.
I have been on citalopram for nearly 4 years and have never ever had any side effects and I know many other people who don't have any side effects from their anti-depressants so it is worth trying another one.

As for any other meds that aren't SSRI's, I really don't know sorry. Maybe you could ask your dr if there is? xx