View Full Version : Another bad week.

25-05-13, 16:54
This week has been one of the worst i have had in a long time. I have been off work on holiday which I thought would be great for me give me time fo relax and get myself feeling a little normal again. I went to the doctor Monday as I have been feeling ill for a few weeks he said it is anxiety whi h have been causing my stomach problems told me fo up my propanol (think thats spelt right) to 3 a day which I have done today. When I got up this morninh I did not feel too bad buf after getting ouf oc shower if started if was as if my neck was very stiff and like I was having spazams in my neck muscle then heart beating fast in stomach and shaking. My vision was also really blurry aftet around 30 minutes it passed but I have felf dreadful all day. When will it end?:weep:

25-05-13, 18:11
oh i feel for you i am afraid i do not know anything about your meds, but anxiety is horrible that i can relate to, its hard to be on your own and the panic takes you over,i hope you get over this so soon blessings

25-05-13, 20:44
i always look forward to hoildays, when they come, i feel worse, ive been off work for 2 weeks, doctor said i had depression and chronic anxiety, i think its because we have to much time to think, take care, damo