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24-06-04, 11:18
im having an awful morning. im here alone and i dont no what to do with myself..
ive worked myself into a right state cos my stomachs making funny noises.
i cant cope with this anymore.

Your stronger than you'll ever know,you control your own world.

24-06-04, 11:52

How are you feeling now? are you any better?

If your stomach is making noises there really is nothing to worry about. Perhaps your body is hungry?
Also im sure I read somewhere that when we get anxious, our stomachs produce more juices so its probably them gurgling away happily not knowing that its scaring you!

I would advise that you find yourself something to occypy your mind.
Have you got any jigsaw puzzles in the house or is there any light housework for you to do?

Believe me I know exactly how you are feeling so Im not just giving you this advice off the top of my head...its things I did when I was at my worst to keep me going!!

take care
love sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

24-06-04, 11:55
its getting worse, ive been to the toilet twice now, what if im sick too?
i cant eat anything when im like this. im so scared. rational behaviour goes right out the window when im feeling like this. :(

Your stronger than you'll ever know,you control your own world.

24-06-04, 11:58
hey Nic if ur still online come on MSN im on there now! Jennyx

Carly H
24-06-04, 13:26
Hi hope your feeling better!!!

Sorry to hear that your having a bad morning, sounds silly but when I get myself in a state I do colouring in!!! I know, I felt silly buying it in the super market aswell but it has helped because it makes me concentrate on what im doing!!!!

Let me know if you give it a go and how it went... x


24-06-04, 14:57
Hi and Welcome N206

I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.
It's true that irrational behaviour does take over when you are not on top form.

First things first, you need to try and calm down a little.
Breathe slowly and deeply.
Your tummy could be doing that gurgle thing because you are hungry.
Try to eat something, even if it is just a biccie.

Speaking from personal experience, it is harder to cope with the panic when you are hungry.

Tell yourself that everything is okay and these feelings will pass very soon.

Try colouring in, watching tv or washing the dishes to keep your mind busy.

I hope you feel better soon

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

24-06-04, 16:44
Eating something like a banana on bread is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you do not eat and you have Hydrochloric acid sloshing about inside it will start over time to erode the lining of your stomach .

Sarah is absolutely right, you do produce more acid when you're stressed and need to give it something to work on like bread.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone