30-09-06, 07:57
Please, please help me. I am so scared of the panic and am afraid that it is going to rob me of my life.

I feel like I am fighting a losing battle. Whenever I get any symptom I panic. I try to breathe deeply - but cannot seem to concentrate on it and feel worse. I try to keep myself busy - but the 'panic' thoughts always seem to win. I am just living in constant fear.

I want to just curl up in my bed and to never get up, but that is difficult when I have 2 young children and a job. I seem to rush around constantly - sorting out the house/kids/work etc. I know I am not the only one - but feel so alone.

My symptoms are the worst thing ever. I get banging headaches, pains in my neck and shoulders, my eyes go blurry and I feel really strange as though I am not really here. My panic is just spiralling out of control. I hold my breath in fear - which I know will probably make the symptoms worse. I am just scared that I am putting my body under too much stress and one day it will just pack in as I have the symptoms most of the day and the breathing is like your main lifeline.

I really dont know what to do. I have read loads of books and when I have an anxious free moment (which doesnt last long) I can think rationally that all this is panic.

I am just so desperate at the moment. Can anyone else relate???

I dont want to stop doing things as then the panic is winning, but am so scared that my living in fear is going to kill me!!!

fed up with it
30-09-06, 11:08
Hi just wanted to say exactly what you feel i feel, i think i am on the verge of dieing all the time but it never seems to happen, i feel like i gonna faint/fall/drop. I too have to small daughters under 5 and i get so scared when i feel like it out i tend not to go anywhere on my own with them. Like you i dont know what to do? just to say your not alone.

carol xx

30-09-06, 13:48
Sorry that you are feeling so bad and out of control. I can relate to what you are saying as I felt the same in the early days. However, I am in a much better place now due to this site, medication, self help books and self determination. I used to think my heart was beating so fast it would explode, but I think our bodies are more robust than we give them credit for.

I read somewhere that we can sustain a heart beat of up to 200 beats per minute and not have a heart attack. Also, there was a study done once on men who had been Japanese Prisoners of War and it was found that the majority of them had lived to good ages. This was put down to the strengthening of their bodies and immune systems because of what they had gone through during their capture. In other words, what doesn't kill you can make you stronger!!! Try and eat healthy, sleep as much as poss and take exercise. At least you will feel like you are gaining some control over your symptoms and that you are being proactive.

Wishing you all the best


30-09-06, 13:58
i want to give you a big hug, i know exactly how you feel as i have felt this way myself. it will get better, but try and not panic about panicing, that really helps and i know its hard to do but it can be done with practise.

if you are on any meds try a review of them with the doctor, maybe they need to go up a bit to get you through the worst or changed to something to suit you better. i find since taking mine things have really improved.

you are not alone with this, and i know how scarey it is to feel anxious 24/7, but really it wont harm you physically. keep practising the breathing and it really will help.

i hope things improve for you. you are not alone in this, we all care and are here for you


mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

30-09-06, 17:12
my therapist told me when i feel an attack coming on to breathe in and count to 10 then breathe out then do my breathing exercises while thinking of something nice

of course this doesnt work when i have a sudden panic attack

i wear a hair band on my wrist to ping this sometimes helps me


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

30-09-06, 17:41
Hi and welcome to the forum.I to know exactly how your feeling.This site will give you so much advise,and you really wont feel alone as we are all here for similar things.
Things will get better.
take care;)

Ellen XX

30-09-06, 18:02
Hi and welcome,

We all feel the same as you at times so you are not alone here! We are all here for you, and this is a great forum with great people who will do whatever they can for you

Have you seen your GP maybe they can provide you with some support, is your family supportive? Can you lean on them when necessary?

I promise things will get better

Hugs to you Lynnann

polly daydream
30-09-06, 18:28
Hi sweet, I feel like you alot of the time but have been told by my dr that anxiety will not do you any harm, if you have a panic attack just treat it as a work out at the gym. Men that went to war that survived have lead very long lives so what does that tell you!!!!

Take care,


02-10-06, 13:08
hi, i feel the same and i have four kids. its awful isnt it. but they are all the symptoms of anxiety. have you been on an anxiety management course, this really helped me, as i thought no one else had these symptoms and i was going mad. but when they are explained to you, and you realise they are just symptoms, it does seem to help. you also meet people with the same thing as you.
take care