View Full Version : Freaking out again.

25-05-13, 20:40
I mainly joined this site as I seen threads on Google in relation to Palpitations. I have had them for at least 4 years but since being diagnosed with anxiety and having panic attacks in March they seem to have increased. I have had an ECG and A&E and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it and also had my chest listened to by GP - again completely fine. I have had my pulse checked on numerous occasions and it has been fine every time.
I feel reassured for a short while and until today was convinced I had beaten the worst of my anxiety but having felt multiple palpitations (mine are either flutters in centre of chest or strong beats on the left) I am terrified. I take Propranolol and took one at 7.30 but they have never really worked for my palpitations anyway. I have literally read hundreds of posts on here about palpitations and I do deep down believe they are completely harmless and I do trust my doctor an absolute massive amount. I am just petrified and absolutely hate them.
I am also thinking that maybe I have always had this many but because lately I am worried about my health 1,000,000 time more than normal, maybe I feel them more than I used to?
Any words of wisdom? I hate this and have suffered with depression for 5 years, but can honestly say palpitations are the worst thing I have ever had to experience.

25-05-13, 20:56
I agree they scare the shi* out of me, you have to believe some one but its not easy I know, remember that now Doctors know what to listen for to decide if the palps are dangerous or not, also you have had ECG and other tests so you know its ok, will tell you that my Dr used to tell me to exercise like running up and down the stairs :ohmy::ohmy:it makes your heart go faster for a minute but then does what it does naturally, burns up the adrenaline which is what increases the hear rate and then it goes back to normal, fear causes fight or flight which is what we don't do we sit and increase the fear x

25-05-13, 21:36
Thanks jamangie. Also the fact I have had them for a few years now makes me feel like if they were dangerous something would of most certainly happened by now. It still doesn't stop the worry though :-(
Maybe the Propranolol do decrease the palpitations as they help block adrenaline. I may start taking 3 a day if they don't stop being a nuisance! They do increase shortly before my 'time of the month' which the doctor agreed could mean the increase in hormones can increase their frequency. It's a nightmare at the moment though as I can feel my depression popping up again which is causing me to eat, eat and eat! Nightmare!

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 21:26 ----------

Also, does anyone know if muscle twitches can feel like palpitations? I ask this because the palpitations I have got for years now feel like a flutter and a thud which lasts literally a second, but lately I've had what feel like pounding in my left chest which could maybe be a muscle twitch?
Since having panic attacks (I haven't had one for 3 or 4 weeks now) I have had many muscles twitches and even had quite a bad eye twitch until I got reassurance off my doctor so I'm wondering if some of these 'palpitations' may actually be twitches?
I really wish there was a way for them to be stopped completely, or at least more information on them as they seem to be very common even in people without anxiety.

25-05-13, 21:47
The first time I had palpitations I didn't know what they were.
My GP heard them I guess and sent me to hospital where they kept me over night for tests.
All tests were clear minus the palps, meaning my heart was fine and healthy.

Medical people do take palps seriously. If you had the EKG and they say you're fine, I'm sure it's just a case of they feel much worse than they actually are type of thing.

I've also had a fast heart that kept me awake, my GP ran EKGs but after a few days my heart hadn't calmed down so I was sent back to hospital. Again all tests were clear :)

I know you can get medication that helps with your heart, beta blockers, maybe ask your doctor about them.

Smoking, coffee, stress,hormones, alcohol, lots of things can trigger off hear palps.

Changing position can help, try standing, lay down in bend then bend forward, also bearing down like you're trying to pass gas can help, I'm not sure why it helps but I saw it on one of those hospital shows and it helped this one girl so she avoided having to try medication to settle her heart.

Yeah my heart palps suck, even walking or just being happy and excited can trigger them off, they also make me feel breathless too which adds to the anxiety.

Have you had the other tests? Like the 24 hour hoilter monitor that records your heart beat, or the heart Ecco a bit like the scan they do on your belly if your pregnant but it's on your chest.

25-05-13, 21:55
Nope only the ECG and blood tests. As I have no other physical symptoms (does crying count? lol) my doctor is adamant they are benign.
I do believe it to be hormonal and was advised by a friend to try the pill but I do not want to go on anymore medication and although I am not worried about them when they are not occurring they scare the life out of me when they happen. I am already on Propranolol (Beta Blocker) I take 2 a day, and my palps always literally last seconds so they go on their own.
Do yours increase when you are due to turn?