View Full Version : Started on steraline today for my panic and anxiety

26-05-13, 09:26
Hello everyone, my doctor prescribed me steraline to start taking for my panic and anxiety I have started today and started on 25mg due to my age but upping to 50mg next week I was just wondering if anyone has any good experiences of this Medicine helping you feel better?

Thank you xx

26-05-13, 13:25
Hi there, I started on 50mg of Sert at begining of March then it was upped to 100mg two weeks after that so now its about 12 weeks I've been on it. It was'nt easy at the begining with side effects but got valium from doc to help but I can honestly say its helped me a hell of alot. I.ve started socialising again for the past two weeks which I had'nt done in months. I don't feel like I'm on anything at all (not like when I was on prozac years ago). It helps you not dwell on things. I really hope it works for you. x

26-05-13, 13:37
Hello everyone, my doctor prescribed me steraline to start taking for my panic and anxiety I have started today and started on 25mg due to my age but upping to 50mg next week I was just wondering if anyone has any good experiences of this Medicine helping you feel better?

Thank you xx
Hi, Yes it has certainly helped take the edge off my anxitety so I hope it does the same for you.

28-05-13, 09:23
Thank you for your replies I am feeling slightly more anxious at the minute but seem to be doing okay just hoping I feel an inprovment once my body is used to them because I would love to start socialising again and doing day to day stuff! Feel abit more positive to see they do help people :) xx