View Full Version : Is their anybody on Citalopram for Health Anxiety

30-09-06, 09:01
Hi all,
Since I have been on Citalopram (Wednesday), I have not been able to sleep.

In the past 3 days I have had approx 8 hours sleep in total.
I have looked on the forum and I have noticed several people have been talking about insomnia being present on these tablets.

I can definitely state this has happened to me since I have been taking this medication.

I was previously on Amitriptyline, which is a sedative and I always got to sleep without any worries.


30-09-06, 10:31
Hi Red,

i have taken both drugs but to be honest i don't think either has helped me. I've had health anxiety for years, I was put on amitriptyline when i suffered badly with mouth/jaw problems as it has painkilling properties. It cured neither.
I have just recently been on citroplram and am in the process of coming off it. Again i don't think its helped and being on only 10mg with side effects i'm not prepared to increase the dose. I had terrible trouble sleeping when i came off amitriptyline - so maybe its that?
I think its too early to tell for you and you need to stick with it.
Some people say it a brilliant medication and has helped them. I think its a very personnel thing.
I hate taking meds and am waiting for CBT. I take herbal tablets and vitamins at the moment.
I know exactly where you are coming from though, i am so aware of my body its untrue. I wish someone could flick a switch and i could be laid back. I drive my poor hubby to distraction.

anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

30-09-06, 12:32
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">What is making me undecided, will citalopram be better medication in the long run and will it be better than amitriptyline
for health anxiety by stopping me from worrying about every lump or pain with my body?

<div align="right">Originally posted by reddevil - 30 September 2006 : 10:01:05</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Unfortunately no medication will do this. All it will do is mask the symptoms of panic/anxiety but not change your thought processes.

You need CBT for that. Has the doc put you on a list. It is the most proven and effective treatment of HA.

If you want to try with Citalopram then you are looking at up to 6 months to notice any real effects (sometimes sooner).


30-09-06, 16:14
Hi all,

For some reason today I'm not worrying about much but i'm sure it's not the tablet as it's only my 3rd day but i think it's becauseI have not slept for three days and my body can not find the energy to worry.

I'm going to stop them and go back on my old medication, I know where i was on that and this drug is not making me feel tired at all.

I went in to work today, a collegue spoke to me and I just stared through him as if I was in a nother plannett.

My wife is a little worried and would like me to go on to my amatriptiline as it suited me and helped me sleep etc.

I went to the chemest today to ask them and they said that it is a side effect and can go after a week or stay for several months.


richard sharp
30-09-06, 17:18
im on 10mg citalopram for health anxiety and it took about 2 weeks before i got any benefit from them. during the 2 weeks previous i had very mixed reactions. give them a little time and hopefully they will work for you.
