View Full Version : cant fight anymore

26-05-13, 10:02
:roflmao:having bad times again aniexty really bad not eaating or sleeping just want to give up fed up feeling like this seems no matter what the docs put me on the aniexty breaks through nothing seems to calm it down just cant fight anymore why dont others get this. why do we have to suffer please cant anyone give advice on what to do

26-05-13, 10:14
Hi, Is there a lot going on in your life at the moment. Do you have any company to take your mind off yourself. Do you have a job. Do you have hobbies or set yourself tasks to take the mind off the anxiety and depression to stop it taking so much of a hold?

26-05-13, 15:38
:roflmao:having bad times again aniexty really bad not eaating or sleeping just want to give up fed up feeling like this seems no matter what the docs put me on the aniexty breaks through nothing seems to calm it down just cant fight anymore why dont others get this. why do we have to suffer please cant anyone give advice on what to do

Believe me, others DO get it, millions of them worldwide which is why there are so many members on this forum. You just need to find the most effective treatment for yourself in liaison, hopefully, with your GP.

28-05-13, 19:00
hi katy im just mooching around and came across your post, im sorry you are feeling so bad, please dont loose faith, your brain is very powerful and your body just follows it like a lost dog.
i recently joined this month recommendation of my sister whos been a member for several years, she suffers the same as you by the sounds of it, i on the other hand suffer more from depression, but anxietey and panic creeps in when it feels like ive forgotten all about it and reminds me its still has some pwer over me.
i just wanted to say i feel how your feeling and know how powerfull it can be, i joined on the 15th and by the 16th i had lost it completly to the point if id of come home after dropping my 15 yr old at school i know for a fact i wouldnt be here typing this to you, my mind and body had taken over me and i had no control and had given up on everything and life itself the only thing that stop me was a flicker of a small thought. go to my parents at the age of 46 you would think i had past that stage years ago, thank god i did like i said i wouldnt be here today if i hadnt.
what im trying to say is DONT GIVE UP AND DONT GIVE IN TO THE POWERFUL THOUGHTS. if you have been here before it should tell you you can get through it. flight dont fight just go with it, it will pass and lose its control.
love and light for you.

29-05-13, 20:15
Hi There,

Dont give up! I often feel hopeless and just this week I hot rock bottom again but I am goign to use this to find an answer! I am looking into reading self help books (Dr Claire Weekes), relaxationd CD's. I am having CBT and laos thinking about tryign the Linden method and every meditation classes. I WILL find a way to beat this and you can too. Just dont give up hope and try everything you can. There is a cure for everyone out there but we all dont have the same cure!

And remember millions of people feel the same but hide it. It is ok to let it out and talk to people. Some will understand and other will not but I bet if you speak to friend sand family you will find someone who is going through the same!

Good luck and keep on fighting.


12-06-13, 22:16
(Dr Claire Weekes) saved my sister she still 10yrs later listens to her CDS and reads her books she calls it her bible,

12-06-13, 22:36
Hi Katy, Don't give up, you can beat this. There is a lot of support on this forum, if you want to chat any time, feel free to message me. There is some good advice in the 'coping' section on the left side of main page. Chin up.

---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 22:35 ----------

Also read 'first step's for a boost on left of main page