View Full Version : Celebrity's with anxiety

26-05-13, 14:28
Hi everyone, hope your all well.

Just thought I would make this thread as I came across and article today about a Celebrity talking about his anxiety and panic attacks. I really appreciate when someone famous comes out and talks about there problems as it must be so hard for them but at the same time it helps gives others a chance to actually read about what us anxiety sufferers go through and maybe help them understand it a little better.

It is a guy from "The only way is Essex" in this article so I don't know if you guys will class him as a Celebrity lol, but all the same it is brave of him to share his story and I really appreciate it.

Here's the link:


If anyone else knows of anyone famous that suffers from anxiety or has a story about them then feel free to post it here.


26-05-13, 14:37
I don't watch The Only Way is Essex, but I found it an interesting article. It is good when celebrities talk about their problems as it helps to reduce stigma and helps other people to understand what it's like to live with the condition.

26-05-13, 15:20
Hey yeah it always helps me to know that thee are other sufferers out there, will post a link with the most famous sufferers of panic attacks.


26-05-13, 17:19
I find it such a relief to hear about celebrities with the same problems (that sounds so cruel!) but just knowing someone who is famous can still suffer, it can get to anyone. I know of a few celebs with anxiety etc: Frankie Sandford (The Saturdays), George Michael, Emma Stone, Vinny (Jersey Shore - don't even watch this but know about him because of anxiety), Owen Wilson, Adele etc. There's more people that suffer than I think we realise!

26-05-13, 17:34
I was going to post something similar myself! I've only just found out that people like johnny depp and Nicole Kidman suffer panic attacks. At first I thought it was reassuring that famous people suffer too but then my negative voice kicked in and I thought what hope have I got if they can't overcome it with all their money and influence :(

26-05-13, 22:54
Its amazing how these people manage to come across as so calm and collected, you would never suspect they would have any of these issues. But then again I guess most of us manage to hide our anxiety well.

27-05-13, 02:09
And I read in Heat today that the man who does impersations of celebrities in Britain's Got Talent has got panic attacks - Phillip Green. He spoke about it openly in the article. He has got through to the semi final.


27-05-13, 10:26
Thanks for the links, it is reassuring to know others suffer but continue to live a 'normal' life.
I didn't know Sigmund Freud suffered with anxiety, I wonder if that's why he started his branch of psychotherapy - I may read a bit more of his stuff and find out!

27-05-13, 11:08
So many comedians, household names, were manic depressives or suffered from extreme anxiety.
Tony Hancock, Eric Morecambe and Mike Yarwood (who tried to make a comeback after being the most well know impressionist on TV in his time but had to stop on his very first live show when trying to make a comeback.He became an alcoholic, sad really.)

28-05-13, 10:08
Florence Nightingale and Charles Darwin were anxiety sufferers.
Others who achieved great things are mentioned here

28-05-13, 10:30
Great article Flossie, thanks! I often worry about my ability to get through my studies and, as I study evolutionary biology, Darwin is already an inspiration to me. He's an even bigger one now! x

28-05-13, 16:47
Anxiety and depression are very common, so there will be a large number of celebrities who suffer from them. On Time to Change's pledge wall a lot of celebrities on that are actually mental illnesses sufferers themselves. Three famous guys I can think off are Steven Fry, Frankie from The Saturdays and Kerry Katona. I would like to see more celebrities do more about mental illness publicly though (although Steven Fry is an ambassador for one mental health charity, as far as I'm aware).

29-05-13, 00:51
Billie-Jo Armstrong from Green Day suffers from panic/anxiety... He did a song 'basketcase' about his

Granny Primark
29-05-13, 01:06
Youve got me thinking now. I wonder if Benny Hill was one?
People hide behind a smile to cover up their true selves.