View Full Version : am new and feel so alone in my anxiety :(

26-05-13, 16:02
hi there. Am new here.
I am from uk and am 33.
I suffer from Anxiety and depression at times.
I am scared of travelling esp on cars/trains.
I am claustrophobic and that brings on a lot of my fears in lilfe and it feels like i am crazy sometimes for letting silly things frighten me so much and make me anxious.
I want to get help, I wanna be able to do more in my life and ENJOY life without being so scared of soooo many things!!
Hope to chat with other people who are going though the same kinda thing. I feel so alone sometimes in how I feel.
Maybe help each other with tips advice or just a calming word.
Get in touch :) Laura

Mr White
26-05-13, 16:08
Hi Laura,

My name is Mr. White and I myself have only just joined this site. I can relate to almost everything you mention. It's good to know we are not alone. Lets hope we both get the help, support and friendship we need.

Mr White

26-05-13, 16:15
Hi Laura and :welcome:

You will find lots of help and support on here, you are not alone in how you feel (nor you Mr White).


26-05-13, 16:18
Hi and welcome. Sure you will find lots of advice and people to chat to on the site. :)

26-05-13, 16:39
thanks to all of you. Sometimes just knowing that other people go through the same things and worries makes me feel a bit less crazy and alone. hope all of you get better with your worries too
any advice for me??? how do you cope etc

26-05-13, 22:46
Hi and :welcome:

I am sure you will find lots of support here

26-05-13, 23:09
Glad to have you with us, Laura.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

26-05-13, 23:12
Hi and :welcome:

You are definitely not alone in your feelings. I am certain you will get the help you are looking for on this site.