View Full Version : panic whilst in car driving / or passenger

26-05-13, 16:24
i hate this soooo much!!! I am a driver, passed my test bout 4 years ago now. I used to be scared of the big fast roads so stuck to local roads kinda thing surrounded by shops people walkin about etc.
but in the last year or so even that has become a problem. When i drive i just feel soooo horrible. I feel like i am gonna pass out .. i get all hot .. i cant seem to swallow or breathe properly and just feel weird and numb.. as soon as i get out the car i feel better so i KNOW its anxiety.
i hate it!!! puts me off driving, i have a lovely car but too scared to go in it most of the time.
also as a passanger i feel the same pretty much only not AS bad as i am not the one controlling the wheel!
i feel trapped and being claustrophic that doesnt help. I used to be fine .. but its gotten really bad now it upsets me :(
i wanna travel but i feel so scared i cant .
sobs*** anyone else get scared driving or being in car?? x

26-05-13, 17:42
I used to love driving - motorways, whatever, then I 'felt funny' one day driving back from my parents and it's gone downhill ever since. I stopped driving on certain roads and even the ones I was ok on I've turned into a problem. I never really liked travelling - trains, coaches or buses and only in cars where I felt 'safe'. My anxiety's so bad I can't even do that now :( I get this overwhelming feeling of being trapped - its really terrifying :(

26-05-13, 19:09
we have exactly the same problems and feelings by the sound of it.
its soo horrible.
have you been getting any help for it ??
i avoid most times but I am SICK of ruining my life with these issues. hugs

26-05-13, 20:08
I've got medication from the doctor, but since it was upped my anxiety has sky rocketed and I can't face getting in a car at all - it's too overwhelming :( I was using CBT4PANIC which started to help, but I think the meds have set me back big time. I'm still waiting for CBT on the NHS, but have been since February.
Have you discovered any coping techniques?

26-05-13, 20:28
hey hon , well i did try CBT at docs. only got 4 sessions which to be honest made me worse.. its all about exposure and i just found myself thinking about it more .. i know they say it gets worse before it gets better .. but i found it too hard.
i am waiting for my sessions as i dont think 4 seemed enough.
hmmm i just try and calm down.. put slow music on when i drive i have to have some distaction and just try and breath slowly etc n try to tell myself that i CAN get out the car if i need to kinda thing.
hugs x

26-05-13, 22:44
Hi, I`m exactly the same about driving. Have always suffered from anxiety and the car was where I took my first really bad panic attack. I was driving along when I suddenly felt light headed as if I was going to pass out. Luckily I was near home and arrived in minutes. The feeling passed when I got indoors. Next time I was out, same thing happened and that`s when I went to gp. That was 7 years ago. Was sent for CBT for 8 sessions and am now attending them again.
Some days I am ok and go out in car, other days I cannot manage it at all. I only drive locally now.
I`m actually worse as a passenger.

26-05-13, 23:33
I suffer from panic attacks when driving in the car, I do my breathing exercise, and tell my self this is normal to have a panic attack, it will soon pass, if I feel its taking bit longer, I drive to a safe place to park the car, have the window down, if need to get out the car. plus I keep in touch with my driving instructor as he gives me good advice.

26-05-13, 23:36
I do that too Yvonne, find a safe spot to pull in and sit until it passes. Other tips I was taught by therapist was to count lamp posts or colours of cars. Something that will distract you from panic.

26-05-13, 23:55
that's a brilliant idea to do. I listen to the music I like, I have downloaded to cd and listen to it, end up singing along to it. that also helps me to keep my mind off a panic attack.

27-05-13, 00:10
I have done that too. singing helps you breath better and helps the fainting side of it.

27-05-13, 09:41
i do try the breathing thing but as i am doin it i start to think about what i am doing and why i am doing .. ie .. i am breathing a certain way coz i am having a panic attack?!?! it makes me worse??!
i will try looking at cars / lamp posts etc.
I hate it.. all my life i wanted to drive.. took me ages to pass.. got a nice lil car .. n now too scared to drive!! lol

27-05-13, 11:38
No way would I be able to drive a car. I am so nervous as a passenger.
I am hanging on to the handle of the door and putting my foot down on
the floor thinking it's the break. So silly, but true:doh:

27-05-13, 23:26
i do try the breathing thing but as i am doin it i start to think about what i am doing and why i am doing .. ie .. i am breathing a certain way coz i am having a panic attack?!?! it makes me worse??!
i will try looking at cars / lamp posts etc.
I hate it.. all my life i wanted to drive.. took me ages to pass.. got a nice lil car .. n now too scared to drive!! lol


could try and tell yourself that its normal to panic, that your panic will soon pass, that takes practice, it may help.

it took me 7 attempts to pass my test, as I get so nervous and panicky. I was glad on the 7th attempt that I got one of the examiners again, I knew what he was looking for. which helped. I was less panicky cause ended up with the same examiner. though was still nervous that day.

plus I get a boost from driving, gives me the boost i need to keep going.

28-05-13, 07:42
Yes! I get this all the time, I feel like my throat is closing up and can't breath! I always carry a bottle if water with me, take a few sips of it and sorts me out, especially cold water, I'm quite lucky as I live on an island and we don't have motorways. Recently I started to feel the same as a passenger when my husband is driving, so when it happens I start a conversation with him about any old thing! I always have my youngest child with me in the car so I can't let it take over! I also get it if I walk to far too, I just can't wait to get home! Try taking water with you it really helps me, x

28-05-13, 20:00
Hi, I never had a problem driving, didn't exactly like it and was a terrible passenger. I've suffered panic attacks for quite a few years but never whilst driving. Then out of the blue about 10 months ago I took an attack whilst driving home. My wrists seized up and I felt faint and hot and sweaty. I had to pull over and blow into a paper bag then reached for the good old Diazepam. I try not to but they seem to be my only cure just now. I'm seeing a psychologist through the NHS, have only been five times so early days but feel its a daily struggle at the moment. I go to work and home and avoid going anyplace else out of my comfort zone. Not good :(

28-05-13, 20:27
Wow, missed this thread.

I have driven for 26 years until October 2012. Had my first panic attack while driving and ended up in A&E thinking I was having a heart attack. Since that day I haven't. Got in a car without panicking. I used to drive 40,000 miles a year and loved driving.

I haven't even been in a car for 10 weeks s it is now too much. I cannot work because of this. I try public transport, but even that gets me anxious now.

Not driving has completely incapacitated me in my life.

I have read all about exposure therapy, but even the thought of driving sets my heart racing.
