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26-05-13, 16:27
anyone else have these fears?
i feel like these fears ruin my life to a degree.. stopping me doing the things i wanna do.
i get light headed... sick .. tummy ache.. hot .. i feel so depressed about all this :(

28-05-13, 08:52
anyone else have these fears?
i feel like these fears ruin my life to a degree.. stopping me doing the things i wanna do.
i get light headed... sick .. tummy ache.. hot .. i feel so depressed about all this :(

Yes get this all the time, I will not go in a lift unless I can see out ie. glass sides etc, also don't like trains being passenger in a car as I feel out of control. I will always take the stairs & say I prefer to keep fit but it's just avoidance & I am always surprised how good I have become at avoiding things like this.

Your not alone many people have the same anxiety's.

28-05-13, 11:25
Me too, fear of being trapped is my main trigger for panic.

However, I have refused to allow this to affect my life, I continue to travel by train, go in lifts and cars, it is incredibly hard at times but once you start avoiding these things your life becomes smaller and that's when depression sets in. Flying and being away from home is still an issue for me though and is easily avoided but I have had lots of foreign holidays since developing anxiety and that's my goal - to go abroad again - when this current anxiety episode has settled.

CBT4Panic has an excellent programme for facing these anxieties, you make yourself a fear hierarchy and make a plan to face these fears slowly, at your own pace, I've hurried it before and it doesn't work, you can end up more fearful than before, so go slowly and try to get someone else on board who understands how difficult it is for you but can give you encouragement.

I think fear of being trapped is very common and in some ways normal, the key is to feel safe in your own skin wherever you are, whatever the circumstances, when I've discovered how to do that I'll let you know :shrug:

28-05-13, 18:42
aww thanks for feedback... yeh thats my problem with CBT i tried too much too soon and thats what made me worse kinda thing.
I am now doing things slowly. hopin that will work more!!
yeh i agree, the more i am scare the more i avoid and that only makes me WORSE and now its built in my head i just avoid it :( wen i do wanna go on a train etc i am proper geared up with fear i make myself worry panic and ill :(
i want to be able to get on a train like i used to and enjoy the trip.
hmm being away from my home n comfort area scares me ... the thought of a plane omg!! i am sooo scared .. but i know there r soooooo many flights etc all around the world everyday and its safer in air etc.
i hope u r ok andd get better soon too

29-05-13, 15:51
Me to..but i eventually got past some of my phobias..with busses i used to start by going to a bus stop a few times and just watch a bus come and go..then git into ine for a couple of local stops and eventualy did a few more stops .and built it up untill now i can just get on any bus dor as long as i want.i did the same with trsins and lifts.build it up get of at the next stop.i still had the thoughts of a train breaking down,but that feer lessend the more i built up trust of going on a train..i can manage it now..the same with going under a runnel and over high briges..small steps..my next challange is going on a boat over to france.im starting by going on the thames clipper a few timed,then a vissit to the docks a few times and hopefuly get on one..

29-05-13, 16:27
Sounds like you've got a good plan there Greg and are doing really well.

I must try to get over my fear of going abroad next and a boat trip to France may be a step towards it. It's good to hear that you're getting there x

29-05-13, 16:57
Slowly but step by step getting there

29-05-13, 20:36
aww glad u r doing well and thats the key thing.. take it slow step by step works.
i am trying that method

30-05-13, 01:57
I think with CBT you try a step but only move on the next step when you're comfortable.
Like watch the buses until you're bored/non reactive. Then get on the bus for one stop and do it so many times until that too becomes boring then move on to the next bigger step.

I've not managed trains yet! But I'm watching them, getting used to the noise and all that.
I'm ok with buses up to two hours, I feel less trapped on a bus.

I do feel very trapped in big shopping centers, I don't like being too far from the nearest exit.
I'm ok if there's lots of exists near by.

30-05-13, 13:58
yeh i am same in big shoppin centres.. i have to know where both exits are and the toilets!!