View Full Version : feeling down after a night,dont want to wreck all my hard work!

worried 101
26-05-13, 18:13
hey guys.
Ive been steadily coming off 40mg of citalopram and now gunna be on the last week of my 10mg and then im off conpletely.I have been fine and really happy about this.Last night i went out for a friends bday and had some drinks and was fine this morning but now feeling quite emotional and down, I know this is probs cos of the alcohol but i was wondring if anone else felt like that after a night out and how lonf it lasted as Im panicking that I will feel like this for ages and have been so good for so long I dont want to wreck it!!

Jon Dimond
26-05-13, 18:36
I've had some terrible come down days after nights out, real miserable feelings. They usually pass in a day or two though. Don't think about it and get on with your recovery :)

26-05-13, 19:02
Hey worried. I have seen other posters here paying the price for drinking alcohol. It does seem that after a night out, even one when people were only drinking moderately,chat the next day they really have felt out of sorts. But if you keep up the good work you have been putting in lately, you will most likely return to normal. After all, perhaps it was just being very active & having a tiring day rather than the alcohol itself.