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View Full Version : STILL getting left breast pain after nearly 4 weeks

26-05-13, 19:13
iv posted before regarding my left breast .
just under 4 weeks ago, I started getting a burning feeling in upper left back/rib area, this spread to under my armpit and at the side o my left breast, this has now subsided.
however I have been getting a pain like sensation in the lower outer left breast at the beginning , and now it can be anywhere in the breast. the pain was shooting pains at one point, spreading to my armpit, again armpit pain has subsided.
so now 4 weeks on, I have seen 3 docs regarding it and had 2 breast examinations, all say the same, it doesn't sound like anything :shrug:
my health anxiety was at its worst last week and week before and it seemed then, the pains were getting worse.
Thursday/Friday I had very little pain, yesterday even less- I think its because I tried putting it to the back of my mind.
today iv thought of it a bit more and iv had more pain then yesterday.
Im hoping if it was anything bad then it would have got worse? also the doc said if it was anything bad then I would have had other symptoms by now..
im trying so hard not to google again .....
doc said she is happy to refer me to breast clinic once iv had the pain for 8 weeks.... im scared

26-05-13, 19:49
you have been very good to put it to the back of your mind, not an easy thing to do at all. I would take the dr up on their offer to refer you, it will put your mind at rest try not to be scared if the drs are not worried then you do not need to be have the referal and get some peice of mind blessings

26-05-13, 20:02
thanks for reply.
i just get myself into such a state sometimes :( this time though i was panicking last week and week before, but this wek i been so busy, going on hols in 12 days and dont want to spoilt it.
my husband keeps saying that if it was anything serious wouldnt it have been picked up by docs now as iv had 2 breast examinations.
i know some breast cancer dont start with a lump and this is what scares me, however i have read that breast pain alone is rarely a symptom of bc.
it seems like the less i think of it, the pain goes :huh:

26-05-13, 20:37

As a male it is good that the doctor is happy to refer you if your still in pain and worried. Even though for me I know male breast cancer is rare I still worry about male breast cancer for my age of 29. I know breast cancer is more common in females.
I also trying now to read symptoms of any type of cancer. I already been to the doctors 10 this year and have mention lots of aches and pains, concerns etc.

27-05-13, 11:09
I had left breast pain exactly as you described, mine also went up my neck.
Mine started hurting after a friend told me about her mothers breast C symptoms.
I had checks and it was a sports doctor who finally diagnosed muscle spasm of the Pectorilis Major (chest muscle) This muscle offsets your scapular (shoulder blade) which is why there was pain in the back also.
I was given a series of stretches to do at home and the pain disappeared within days.
You sound like you have what I had.

27-05-13, 11:26

Any chance you could type a quick summary of the stretches you do. I have similar pain and am desperate to ease it a bit. Thanks in advance.

27-05-13, 13:26
Google "Pectoralis Major stretches" and "Pectoralis Minor stretches", look for doorway stretches and anterior shoulder and chest stretches. They are designed to open out the chest and release muscle spasm and tension. I was doing them each for 45 seconds a session, 3-4 times a day. Stretch until you feel it, dont force it.
Another great stretch is called "shoulders dislocations - using a broomstick" best to look on Youtube as it is a motion.
I hope this helps :)

27-05-13, 13:38
Thanks a lot. I'll have a look.


27-05-13, 16:38
masqued thanks for the info, i googled pectoralis major spasms, but dont think it is that :shrug:
today the pain is inner left breast/chest wall area :shrug:
also have some pain in armpit but that feels like a pulled muscle.
unsureaboutthis- it is important you stop googling for info as this feeds your anxiety even more, i know its easier said than done :blush: