View Full Version : New to the forums

26-05-13, 21:06

My name is Brian and I have suffered from anxiety my entire life. I had my first panic attack when I was 20 and, of course, life hasn't been the same since. After my first one, things were pretty rough for awhile, but I eventually reached a point where I thought I was cured of them and for several years, I was free from panic and free from the fear of suffering more panic attacks.

In November of 2011, I was visiting Alaska with my family and friends. We were on top of a mountain and I suffered another panic attack. I have been on my heels since, and I have watched my world shrink and shrink since that day.

Now, nothing seems quite right. I am terrified to take medication. I am terrified not to take medication. I worry that this is a fate I will be made to suffer until the end of my days.

ANYWAY. I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I look forward to working with all of you.

26-05-13, 21:14
Hi and :welcome: to the forum.

26-05-13, 21:28
Hi and :welcome:
Sorry that you are struggling at the moment but you have come to the right place to find support!
Wishing you the best,
J x

26-05-13, 21:41
Hiya and welcome xx

26-05-13, 22:39
Hi and :welcome:

I'm sure you will find lots of help and support here

26-05-13, 23:07
Hi Brian. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

26-05-13, 23:33
Hi and :welcome:

Sorry to hear the anxiety has come back. You will get lots of support on this site.