View Full Version : Hiya again.

26-05-13, 21:22
I've posted in symptoms but I'm having a real bad struggle with my anxiety today.

26-05-13, 21:29
Hi Shivmarie,
Sorry that you are struggling. Is there any reason why today is particularly bad?
J x

26-05-13, 21:39
I've had brain tumor anxiety all week, I started a new job on Monday and Tuesday i started to get on off tension type headaches, they weren't stopping me from doing things but it was noticeable. I had mild nausea Tuesday too but I had no appetite loss or vomiting or anything, it's preoccupied me all week and today I've just been really bad, I was reading about seizers earlier and now everytime my leg twitches or arm or hand I get the nausea again. I can't concentrate as I keep thinking about it. I was anxiety free for three weeks and doing well, until I started to get the head pain again now I'm in a flap. I went out to watch a show last night, was fine, today I've took three steps back. It's crippled me :-(