View Full Version : health worries

26-05-13, 23:59
hi i am a 47 year old female. i have on and off for years been worrying about my health, i am a type 1 diabetic but i over worry about any illness i get. a few years ago i got a kidney infection but i thought i had bladder cancer, if i get an ache or pain i have some serious illness. i had piles a few months ago but i now think i have bowel cancer. i am so tired of stressing and worrying all the time i think i am going mad. i cant take much more. too ashamed to go to doctor

27-05-13, 00:34
Hi Brid and :welcome:

You are not alone in your worries and feelings. Many people are like you, myself included. I always think on the worst too. Please don`t be ashamed and go to the doctor.
You are not going mad, I have felt like that too. But you really need medical advice. Your doctor will have come across situations like this before. Help is available and this site will help you too. Please go.

27-05-13, 10:29
I've been up all night worrying about my headaches. Not slept a wink, your not alone x

27-05-13, 18:51
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.