View Full Version : Really awful panic attack after being free for 16 days

27-05-13, 07:03
I'm new to the forum so would appreciate any advice really. I was feeling quote good after not having a panic attack for 16 days then boom, there it was. I thought I was having a stroke, my head was so full of the chemical rush. I was terrified for my life. Despite having had bloods checked, seen a neurologist and had a chest X-ray, I still can't believe there's nothing physically wrong. I feel quite disappointed that I could not prevent yesterday's attack, despite feeling I had come a long way.

Does anyone else feel physically lousy and quite shaky for a whole after an attack?

Thank you so much in advance


27-05-13, 09:15
Yes very, the danger is that we let the after effects of a panic attack becomes a symptom of something else ie some death incurring illness, please don't let this happen as that is how it becomes the continues anxiety sate that we are all so afraid of but except as part of the life limiting illness.
Take some deep breaths, eat some food that gives you slow release energy like porridge, boiled egg and soldiers and drink plenty of water, the reason you feel so shaky is that its the fight or flight mechanism that has kicked in and imagine you have just been chased by a lion, hence the feeling of being whacked, have some me time and if you can relaxx

27-05-13, 09:16
Yes, panic attacks can be exhausting. I can see you'd be disappointed by having one after not having them for a couple of weeks. Try not to let it set you back though. They're horrible and scary, but can't harm you. And they will pass.

27-05-13, 10:03
Thank you for your kind replies. It's hard not to feel
Like a failure but I am determined to get through this and do feel better today. Xx

27-05-13, 10:18
Why would you feel like a failure? you have me beat on that one, you dont choose to be a anxiety sufferer it is just a part of your make up that you can hopefully grow out of like an old frock, u do not need to feel ashamed most people on this planet feel panic they just deal with it in a different way x

27-05-13, 14:28
I guess it's all new to me. I only had my first one three months ago and don't know why they have started quite late on in life (Im 40). Of course I didn't choose to feel like this, it's just hard feeling out of control sometimes. Thank you for your support xx