View Full Version : Worried again :( stomach/indigestion/heartburn feeling why won't it go!!

27-05-13, 12:19
For about two weeks now I wake up feeling very sickly and lasts nearly all day prob settles down around tea time before I eat, went to the docs last week and she gave me some larsomprozole or something like that but it's bad today feel like I've got a ball stuck in my chest

I did eat late last night though and it was a big meal do you think this has made it worse??

I'm really worried x

27-05-13, 15:02
Hi JayneHal

Have you tried eating small meals little and often?

I suffer from reflux and definately find it's a lot worse if I have heavy meals in the evening.

I also find that when I stress about it, it gets so much worse.

I would say that even if you feel sick just try eating something small, you may find it settles your stomach.

I've woken today feeling sick and cramping and as a result don't want to eat but now I'm getting really bad acid and have had to take a tablet to take away that so I'm sure me not eating is not helping, but I feel if I eat I will be sick.

My husband suffers really badly from stomach problems if he goes to long without food he gets really bad acid and on occasion has been known to vomit.

I would try and avoid heavy meals at night as they aren't kind to our tummies.

take care

27-05-13, 15:43
Thanks a lot, I will try my best! Just sick of this heavy feeling in my chest is that the heartburn from acid reflux xx