View Full Version : Blood in nose mucus (snot)

27-05-13, 12:45
Help help I've just seen a little bit in my nose mucus asi blew my nose, I've been having pressure on my nose /face and forehead tension like headaches for less than a week, my nose was sore last night when I sniffed.
I've had no sleep atall as I've been so worried about my brain zaps and it's made me nausea sky rocket,
I've just had a bacon sandwich so I'm not off my food.

27-05-13, 12:49
Could it be your sinuses , reason I ask is head and nose pressure is usually sinuses and the blood sometimes happens when you have an infection or something. I have had sinuses issues for a while now and get head, nose pain and pressure and occasional blood when I blow my nose. Might be worth seeing your doctor he will know if it is your sinuses. Take Care.

27-05-13, 12:54
Thanks alma.
My dad has had sinus problems for 30 years.
Every time I breath through my nose it's sore, but I don't feel blocked like when I have a cold, but it is stuffy. It's like a burning feeling.
It's usually centred in my forehead, I know I get anxious about it and recognise the anxiety symptoms it's just stressing me as I've not seen any blood before, and I don't suffer from nose bleeds.
I've never been down for my sinus's before so I don't really know the symptoms x

27-05-13, 13:07
Does sound like it to me, I am no expert but have had probs for ages with mine and have got used to feeling weird facial pain and pressure and also the burning you mention. :flowers:

27-05-13, 13:24
Ah it's a little reassuring to know then.
I'm tempted to go down the walk in centre but I'm not sure there is much they will do, they're not very helpful.
How do they asses your sinus's?

27-05-13, 13:44
With me the GP just listened to my symptoms and told me that's what it was. He was not sure until I told him about the facial pain and pressure. I did not know that you have several sets of sinuses and if they all become inflamed together you get really horrible pain. Hope you are feeling better soon.

27-05-13, 13:49
I think it might be worth taking a walk down then just for peace of mind, I'm really bad today flapping and freaking out. Thank you x

27-05-13, 13:55
Might be a good idea just for reassurance, let us know how you get on. xx

27-05-13, 15:55
I we t down just now and they said it was a three hour wait, so I came back. I'm going to go tomorrow after work. I would of waited but I'm so anxious I get really bad waiting in the same places for too long etc. I've been to the pharmacy and they have me some tablets. I'm just so fed up x

27-05-13, 16:37
Will your GP be open tomorrow? Pharmacists give good advice on things like this usually, so perhaps the tablets they have given you will help. xx

27-05-13, 17:00
Yeah it's open as normal tomorrow so I kept in mind I could to there tomorrow or even go back to the walk in centre, with it wing bank holiday I imagine that's what the wait is for.
I hope so, it's just freaking me out like my little head zaps and ache, all on my left side which makes me more anxious x