View Full Version : I travelled further today!

30-09-06, 17:54
Hi All,

I just wanted to tell you of the small achievement I made today.

I haven't been further than a 20 minute drive in ages and really wanted to go to the Zoo. Ok I was running before I could walk and did back out of that one but I went driving with my husband for 30 minutes and had a day out with my family.

I started taking Relora and I can honestly say it seems to work. Driving on the motorway with the traffic quite busy and some long queues at traffic lights etc and my tummy didn't flip at all. The only problem I had was when we went into an attraction that my littlest daughter got spooked out in, it was a bit dark, and she wanted to get out. It was a maze of tunnels and I paniced a bit trying to find the exit but I was concentrating more on my little one so it wasn't as bad.

It was a little victory but after spending all day yesterday reading all the advice and stories on here, i just knew I had to do it, and I did.

:D Thank goodness for all the people on this site.

I know it will take time but I am determined to built myself up to going out more, thank you!

30-09-06, 18:04
Hi magic sheep

A big well done!!!!

Hugs to you


polly daydream
30-09-06, 18:38
Hello Magicsheep, well done for today, small steps are better than none.

Take care,


30-09-06, 19:36
Well done to you.

Maybe also to your little girl for facing the fear of that spooky place[8D]

We can only get better by doing this.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

30-09-06, 19:51
Thanks Ray :)

I did tell her what a brave girl she was, she is only 5 bless her.
I was telling her that we had got out fine and we had nothing to worry about.... perhaps I should take my own advice! lol

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

30-09-06, 22:00
Well done Magic Sheep xx

Take Care


30-09-06, 22:24
Big well done! :D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-09-06, 22:50
Well done magicsheep,doesnt it make you feel good!!!!!!!!

Ellen XX

30-09-06, 23:58
well done to you, keep up the good work, youre doing great :D

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

01-10-06, 05:46
Well done you! .... hope you take another step forward soon:)[Wow!]


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.