View Full Version : Don't know what to do anymore

27-05-13, 14:54

Sorry for posting a lot at the moment I just don't know what to do anymore.

My husband is rapidly losing patience with me, I'm constantly checking my breasts and am starting to notice lots of little things that I think are concerning. He can't even see them.

Anyway I came off Prozac a few weeks ago as I didn't think it was working but my mood is so low. I'm been taking Vit B complex and trying to do some exercise and eat healthier but to be honest I just have no motivation whatsoever. I'm eating better and doing some exercise but I was rather hoping that it would motivate me to do more and at the moment I just want to lie in my bed and hide from everything.

I'm convinced I've got BC, I'm going to see the well woman doctor on Wednesday and she has said she will do a thorough breast check for me but I just can't seem to shake off this low mood.

Today I've got up with a really crampy stomach and I feel sick, not sure if my IBS has kicked in because I'm so low or I have a bug coming, either way I don't feel good.

And now on top of it all my husband is practically ignoring me as he thinks I'm wallowing and should be able to "just pull myself together".

I hate feeling like this, I have a prescription to try Sertraline but I'm too scared to take them as I've been reading some horror stories about SSRI's.

Sorry for the long rambling post just don't have anywhere else I can vent like this.

27-05-13, 15:04
Awww Munchlet,

Sorry you are struggling so badly. My HA is my heart, but everything you say about low mood, lack of motivation and wanting to stay in bed, is exactly where I am now.

It truly is no sort of existence. Just thinking about doing routine things sets me off with sweats, arm pain and panic nausea.

My partner has finally given up on me. She has asked me to leave so I have the added stress of moving out.

It doesn't matter what I try, the pain is constant in my arm, and I spend everyday thinking it is my last.

Now, trying to be more positive, I am sure things will improve for us both. We just need to find a focus and hopefully your appt will help put your mind at rest.

Good luck xx

27-05-13, 15:48
Aww im exactly the same and other people don't understand how we feel, I often feel very lonely and no motivation what so ever, it's hard isn't it, hope you feel better soon xx

27-05-13, 16:24
Wow, CharlieM
I cannot believe your partner has left you due to your anxiety. That must be deeply distressing.
I sincerely hope you find someone who can help you through it. Incidentally my anxiety is related to my heart :-( it's a nightmare.

27-05-13, 16:35
Sorry you are feeling like this, I'm afraid I can relate to being told to "pull myself together" it is easier said then done though and while it is probably said with good intentions, does not help when you are feeling anxious etc. Good luck for your appointment on Wednesday, I'm sure you will get the reassurance that you need and hopefully this will help your mood. My IBS is always worse when I am feeling stressed and anxious , I have been feeling panicky for a couple of days and lo and behold today IBS is playing up. Hope you are feeling better soon xxx

27-05-13, 16:36
Keekee, I guess I do understand her frustration. I am self employed and she works bloody hard and long hours. My anxiety has affected my business as I struggle with driving and am scared to go out unless absolutely necessary.

I have been with her for 4 years and we had big plans. My first panic attack was in Oct 2012, and since then I have been unable to function. I think she finds it hard coming in from work only to find me moping.

I am so sad, lonely and scared all day every day.


27-05-13, 16:43
Thanks so much for the replies it helps to know other people can relate to how you are feeling.

Charlie I'm so sorry your relationship has come to an end because of your anxiety that must be awful trying to deal with that and everything else.

If only we could all "just pull ourselves together" life would be so much easier!

Take care everyone x

27-05-13, 20:58
CharlieM I do hope you find a way to feel better. I have been with my partner for 7.5 years now and would be besides myself if he left me. Good Luck.

Munchlet it must be awful your husband virtually ignoring you, especially at a time when you probably need him the most.
I first started Fluoxetine (SSRI) 5 years ago and do not recall any side-effects whatsoever. I was and still am petrified of medication (possibly due to me being allergic to penicillin), but was advised by my doctor and early years mental health worker that they would make me feel better. I can honestly say I would never turn back and stop myself from starting them. They did not cure me, I still to this day have terrible times (going through a weird one now, constantly feeling guilty/sad for minor things) but they are a life saver. I have recently been switched to Citalopram and again all is fine. All those stories online are either worst case scenario's or amplified.
Having experienced health anxiety and I currently have a slight worry about Breast Cancer also; and endometriosis I can honestly say I know how you feel. It's awful and there is not enough coverage on it to the point people do believe as Munchlet says 'you can pull yourselves together', this is not the case. It's a long battle and just when you think you are winning, it strikes you from behind.

29-05-13, 19:49

I'm going through the same thing and I cant tell you what it feels like, I am checking for changes every day or a few times a day I come out in a cold sweat and start to panic if I feel something, then I triple check and cant find it and then think have I missed it.

It says once a month and nothing will change in a day but I start to think is this lump new?

The only thing so far that worked for me was st johns wort, butI read this can be bad for your eyes so I started taking 5 htp and its helped a little with the checking.

My husband says I am mad, I disagree

29-05-13, 20:11
munchlet i too can relate to what you are saying. As you know i have been having left breast twinges for past 4 1/2 weeks, had 2 breast examinations by 2 diff docs -both were ok. also had armpit pain but now subsided.
keep checking everyday for lumps,changes,dimpling,redness etc..... 4-5 times a day :(
keep asking my husband to do a visual check morning and night.
today i have been feeling very low, going on hol next week, the doc said she cant refer me to breast clinic until i had pains 8 weeks.
now i must admit the twinges have calmed down a little since i started taking 6 ibuprofen a day as well as 1000mg evening primrose.
im sort of hoping that if it was anything serious then i would have had other signs by now or the fact that when im out and about enjoying myself i cant feel anything at all.
really hope that it is nothing for all of us x

29-05-13, 20:16
I also get twinges of pain, mainly in left hand side. I'm sure I have had this for years, also when I think about it it gets worse!

I have had all the tests and they have been clear just have cysts apparently. Breastpain is very common.

29-05-13, 20:20
i think 1 sided breast pain is ALWAYS a worry :(

29-05-13, 20:27
i think 1 sided breast pain is ALWAYS a worry :(

I'd worry if my gp was worried, but if they thought it was something to worry about they would refer you straight away to the clinic.

Mine comes and goes, and I only notice it when I think about it that makes me think its to do with the brain interting pain. Something serious would not go away when not thinking about it and it would get worse with noticeable symptoms I would think.

29-05-13, 21:28
Well I've seen the dr today and she said pain is a good thing, she said cancer does not present with pain unless it is very advanced and with someone who has HA the chances of it becoming very advanced without them noticing are virtually nil.

So I do feel better, she said it is perfectly normal for breasts to feel sore and tender and she also said I have slightly more breast tissue one side which again is normal and not a concern. I said I get pain in the area where I have more tissue and she said that's reassuring because it again confirms its benign.

She concluded by saying that everything she was feeling was perfectly normal and in no way warranted a referral of any kind.

Must admit I do feel a lot better, I was also examining my breasts wrong and she said that is why I'm thinking I can see lumps and bumps because I'm looking down on them and you should only every look at them in a mirror face on as that gives a true reflection.

29-05-13, 21:34
Well I've seen the dr today and she said pain is a good thing, she said cancer does not present with pain unless it is very advanced and with someone who has HA the chances of it becoming very advanced without them noticing are virtually nil.

So I do feel better, she said it is perfectly normal for breasts to feel sore and tender and she also said I have slightly more breast tissue one side which again is normal and not a concern. I said I get pain in the area where I have more tissue and she said that's reassuring because it again confirms its benign.

She concluded by saying that everything she was feeling was perfectly normal and in no way warranted a referral of any kind.

Must admit I do feel a lot better, I was also examining my breasts wrong and she said that is why I'm thinking I can see lumps and bumps because I'm looking down on them and you should only every look at them in a mirror face on as that gives a true reflection.

My doctor told me the same thing, she said pain was associated with benign (not c) conditions like fibrocystic problems.