View Full Version : newb

27-05-13, 20:52
hi im agoraphobia sufferer have been diagnosed for 5 years hoping to get advice from this site and meet people who understand what i am going through as so far I have found little help from non sufferers, I just hope i can get answers to questions and make friends who i can get advise from.



27-05-13, 21:20
Hi Scythe, welcome to the site, I am quite new here too but so far have found everyone is very nice and have very good advice, am sure you will find help here :)

27-05-13, 21:25
Hi and :welcome:

I am sure you will find lots of help and support here

27-05-13, 23:29
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.