View Full Version : Goodbye grandad

27-05-13, 22:50
So m grandad passed away Saturday

I stayed with him till his last breath only problem is I am an anxiety sufferer who's main anxiety is about death now I'm constantly thinking about dying thinking omg I'm going to stop breathing I feel depressed

My grandad went peacefully and I do feel so content with that

But I'm scared I don't now what of but I feel sick lost my appetite and my legs ache so am I on my way out to or is this just my anxiety playing tricks on me ? I drank for two days straight aswell I have a drink problem but haven't drank today as I now it's not going to achieve anythink


27-05-13, 23:01
So sorry for your loss :( are you having help for your drink problem ? X

27-05-13, 23:11
I am not the biggest alcoholic but I have a drink problem I don't drink morning to night but I binge drink in short amount of time about 3 days per week n I'm not getting help ATM much appreciation for your reply xx

27-05-13, 23:40
I'm so sorry for your loss.

I think we all have a little apprehension as regards to death and dying.

You're anxiety and fears have probably raised a lot because you've had to face the death of someone, it's then, that it kind of brings it home to us :)

Just take each day as it comes, try to distract yourself if you're finding you're getting hooked on death and dying, try and replace those thoughts with happy and pleasant things :)

It's true, we're all going to die one day, but before that, we have a life to lead which we can enjoy and get so much out of.

I think things will get better for you with the passing of time, look forward to the Summer (if ever we get it that is!! lol) Hugs being sent :hugs:

28-05-13, 17:21
I am sorry to hear about your Granddad and it was so lovely of you to be with him when he died, He will have really appreciated that. Any loss is difficult and it will make you more anxious so some of what you are feeling now is quite natural after such a loss. Your Grandad would want you to have a happy life and as Auntie Moosie says, yes we will all die one day but for now we need to concentrate on having a happy life. :hugs::hugs::hugs: