View Full Version : insomnia

28-05-13, 06:33
Every time that I am in a sort of black period of anxiety I start with my sleep disturbances.
Usually the path is that I wake up at 5/6 or before with a lot of anxiety and I cannot sleep anymore, cannot stay in bed etc etc.
This gave me a looooot of anxiety strong in the past.
I am trying to "accept" it and don't panic.
This time I am pretty sure it's a collateral effect of the decrease and then re-encrease of my medication... so hopefully it will go away.
I am trying mindfulness but early morning I am too panicky to do that.

Anyway.. I go to work and I need to go to work, because it makes me feel better to be with people and not sick.

My idea has always been to don't take naps in the afternoon or to go to bed at the same hour even if I am struggling to stay awake.

Obviously it is veeeery difficult because I am veeery tired.

What are your experiences?
What do you suggest?

28-05-13, 17:38
yes sounds like your meds are having an effect changing doses can do this. its a hard one as we are all different regarding sleep, sometimes the more sleep we have the more tired we become, i would not worry about it, once the meds have settled down your sleep should follow so just try to relax as much as possible and take care blessings

28-05-13, 18:33
I am not 100% sure is only the medication or again my anxiety.
Anyway is not the first time that I live that...
I know that after a while, magically, starts to go away.
But I wish I could help in some way.
As I cannot eat properly and not sleep properly is veeery difficult.

Last night worse than the previous and also than the previous crisis!
I woke up at 2/3/4 .. and never happened before.
But I also changed the medication in the morning instead of night, so, bbh, too early to say something I suppoose? I should wait it settle and then see.
No idea!!!

Trying to not take nap.
Crazy tired but going to yoga tonight.
My 2nd class.
It will be hard, but I am sure is a good thing.
Let's hope!!