View Full Version : Is this fluoxetine withdrawal?

28-05-13, 08:33
Ok I'm trying to keep calm about this but I've been off Fluoxetine for 3 weeks and had started having the brain zaps and other symptoms.

On sunday evening I started having a few stomach cramps and felt really snappy. I went to bed and got up yesterday with on off stomach cramps and no appetite.

I managed to eat some toast but that's all I had all day, by yesterday afternoon I was freezing cold and could not stop shivering so had a long hot bath and took some paracetamol, by the evening I was burning hot and my head was all over the place felt really spaced out. I took some more paracetamol and my body temp calmed down but I've got up this morning and although I feel a bit better still feel not right.

I'm panicking because I dont have any cold/cough symptoms so wondering why I would have a temperature and I hate having temperatures always think there's something sinister going on.

I've read up on fluoxetine withdrawal and flu like symptoms is listed, I've been tapering off but I stopped three weeks ago as I thought I'd tapered enough.

Any ideas?

28-05-13, 11:31
I've stopped Fluoxetine several times with no major withdrawal symptoms, although I did taper very slowly. The only symptoms I did get was shooting nerve pains in my teeth about 4 weeks after stopping! It happened on 4 or 5 occasions and went spontaneously.

It does sound more like a bug than withdrawals, Fluoxetine does hang around for a long time but I don't think it would give you a fever so long after stopping. I would take try to take extra care of yourself and keep taking the Paracetamol if needed, it's normal to feel anxious when poorly and these bugs can take a while to go.
