01-10-06, 01:11
I have read many reports on what people are experiencing and have found it has helped me not to panic about my symptoms so much.

BUT I have a question - a doubt I suppose really.
I am not consciously feeling anxious or panicky I only panic when
i get these unexplained and undiagnosed symptoms which come on suddenly even when I'm relaxed. And for the past week haven't gone away but lessen and then re-appear for no reason.
I'm trying to be very brave ignoring them telling myself nothing is really wrong but cannot get away from the fear that something must be seriously wrong with my body.

Any ideas or comments appreciated.

01-10-06, 08:29
Hello Lilac,

I got the same too hun, this week. I didn't have anything planned, nowhere I had to go but yet I got the butterflies etc. It's difficult but we need to talk to ourselves, a big kick up the butt sometimes.
I had a good day yesterday but this morning I was feeling a bit odd, gave myself a good talking to and feel better. I was told to smile in the mirror, change you posture and try and relax. Works for me sometimes.
A check up at the doctors may put your mind at rest if you are worried.

Hope this helps a bit

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

01-10-06, 10:26
I find that even if I don't have anything which makes me particularly anxious. I can start to feel panicky from a slight feeling of almost anything with my body. A brief palpitation (which I know lots of people without PA get too), or an ache somewhere, makes me wonder if panic will start.

Sometimes just feeling anxious about when I might have another panic attack can make me feel more anxious. Its the fear of fear that lots of us here have. Thats a hard thing to beat, but I believe it can be done. I've been talking myself out of anxiety all day. My period started and the last two months have been very panicky at that time. So today I am waiting for it to happen. Which is very silly, and worrying will make me feel bad.

When the symptoms go away, even though they do come back now and again during the day, I know its just the anxiety and so long as I tell myself its nothing really and practise my breathing relaxation exercises i can mostly keep it under control.

Sounds like you're doing the right things, Lilac.


01-10-06, 18:12
I dont feel anxious at the moment but my symptoms are there lurking in the background. However because they arent getting any worse i refuse to let them worry me!!

Take care Love Matilda

01-10-06, 19:56
i sometimes feel anxious and dont get a panic attack
other times i get a panic attack from nowhere and not even anxious


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

02-10-06, 13:53
I used to think my panic was because of my symptoms, not the other way around, but when you suffer panic you are tuned in to any slight ache or pain in your body and you naturally worry yourself silly about all the horrendous things it could be.

try to relax and ignore the symptoms (i know, easier said than done lol) but it really does help.

hope this helps a little

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results