View Full Version : dry and no sleep

01-10-06, 04:20
I have been suffering from a horibly dry throat during the night its giving me panics alot and my tongue is fury and yellow and dry.as soon as i get up the dry throat goes but the tongue thing doesnt and i cant stop moving the back of my tongue against my throat.swallowing alot too and i am getting to the stage where i dont even want to eat.this is wrecking my life.

01-10-06, 05:27
i gotta get this under control , my mate watched me drink my way out of a panic attack yesterday why we were watching the footy grand final.He asked me if i was having one because i went quiet and was woofing down stubbies flatout.This is not good i want to be free from alcohol and anxiety it is ruining my life and my family's.:(

01-10-06, 08:36
Hi Miff,

An obvious question I know but have you been checked out by the doctor? If not perhaps it might be worth a visit. Then that will be one less ting to concern you.

Let me know how you get on

Love Magicsheep

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

03-10-06, 21:16
Are you on any meds? I'm on seroxat now and they give me a dry mouth. Also I have sinus trouble which makes me breath through my mouth and get a dry throat when sleeping.

For a while after mt last bad PA, I felt paranoid that the feeling in my throat was the panic starting. But although its almost always there, I make sure I have a bottle of water with me and it rarefly gets worse.

But have a check up if it will reassure you. :-)


04-10-06, 10:22
i went to the docs and he said i have to get an endoscopy and colonoscopy, he said maybe i have scar tissue in my throat from eccess acid and maybe ulcers

18-10-06, 05:28
well had endoscopy and colonoscopy and the doc found crohns disease in small bowel and hiatis hernia up the other end.have to go back and see him in two weeks.The frustrating part is I have seen five different doctors about stomach issues starting two years ago and as soon as they find out you suffer anxiety they put it down as that.Could've saved my little bowel a lot of alcaholic grief had i known then

18-10-06, 15:06
where in australia are you miff??? im in melbourne.... i hope you feel better, let us know how you go!!!!

18-10-06, 15:19
Hey Miff,

Sorry to hear that, but a least you finally got an answer!!!
(Which can only be a good thing....;) )

Definately keep us updated thou,

Mo x

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn......